16 People Who Found Their Loved Ones On Google Street View And It Warmed Their Hearts
All of us humans succumb to the marvel called the Internet from time to time. Okay, more like "most of the time" but let's leave it there and carry on to the topic of all the surprising things you can find there. Sure, we have social media with all the famous people, and cats, and dogs, and hedgehogs, and what not. We even have the lesser known platforms where all the rest of us mortals can knock ourselves out and post whatever miracles we come up with. All of these sound kind of normal but who could have thought that Google Street View would be an equally good spot to find something surprising. That something being... Your loved one who passed away long ago! Some people have recently stumbled upon some images of their deceased pets and relatives and were so moved to see them in their natural surroundings, they just had to share that with the Internet. Take a look at some of these heartwarming examples.
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"My dog Henry of 16 years died last year after just old age caught up to him. As I was checking Google Street View for my house recently one day I noticed it wasn't an up to date photo. Miss my bro every day but thanks Google for not updating the street view and please never change it. Forever guarding the house."
"Google Street View car had unknowingly snapped photos of one art student's grandpa in Switzerland while he was gardening in his front lawn, a year or so before he died. She said "It was incredible seeing him just standing there, exactly as I remember him."
Let's take a moment to appreciate that amazing garden. Nice foxgloves, one of my favourite flowers.
"It's really rare you ever see someone you know captured in the google camera. But, there was my grandma sitting on her front porch reading her news paper enjoying life. What surprised me, was that google captured one of the last few pictures of my grandma, because she passed away less than a year after that picture was taken. I thought it was such an uplifting and awesome picture because it showed just how laid back and awesome she was. Might not mean much to anyone else, I just thought I would share."
Even if Google Earth does update your area, you can see the past versions by clicking the date in the top left corner and selecting the past date you want.
"My old dog got also captured on street view. Forever frozen in time."
“My grandpa died in 2017 and no one had any pictures with him from recent years. He only took photos when he was holding babies, and all us grandkids are in our teens and 20s. But I did this same thing and found a Google Street View photo of him mowing his front lawn from 2016. It was really good to see him doing something he loved to do and was always doing when he was here.”
"Grandpa passed away last year. Google Street View shows him and my grandma on the porch holding hands. I took a screenshot just in case."
"[My dog] has been dead 8 years now. Likely barked at it, he did at every strange car in the cul de sac."
"The image [of my dad] appeared to be snapped in August 2007. But my siblings and I never saw it until after my father’s death in January 2011."
My nan died 18 months ago, she lived in sheltered accommodation for the last few years, but on Google Street View you can see her old house with her car on the drive from around 2010 always makes me smile.
My dog, who passed last year, is also on Google Street View. Makes me smile.
My nan died 18 months ago, she lived in sheltered accommodation for the last few years, but on Google Street View you can see her old house with her car on the drive from around 2010 always makes me smile.
My dog, who passed last year, is also on Google Street View. Makes me smile.