Recently, Twitter user @TheWrongNoel posted a thread that highlights the importance of interdepartmental communication within an organization. They told a story about their friend struggling to find an employee for their team only to discover that HR had dismissed quite a few good candidates.

The reason was the applicants failed the new screening test. Since they had all the necessary expertise on paper, the employee of ten years decided to perform the HR task themselves. They didn’t do so well, to put it lightly.

Image credits:

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel


Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel


Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

Image credits: TheWrongNoel

“When you boil it down, the bulk of work that falls into HR is aimed at keeping your current, former and prospective employees from suing the company. Said differently, HR is all about risk reduction,” alent Partner at Drive Capital wrote on HuffPost. “I’m not diminishing the importance of this work. A mature business must do all of these things well. Just like a mature business needs to maintain accurate and organized accounting records. But the skills and mindset of someone who thinks all day long about creating and following rules do not fit the mindset required to succeed in recruiting (or anything talent-related, really). Would you put an accountant in charge of customer acquisition? Probably not. So why put an HR person in charge of talent acquisition?”


Hatta said that the “H” in HR has been missing for some time. “Good recruiting is all about people. In fact, companies are nothing more than a collection of people organized around a shared set of strategies, principles, products, and customers. Not processes. When business leaders understand this, they not only become better recruiters, they create more successful businesses.”

People had a lot to say about the story

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