I was reading about the new expansion for Civilization VI called Gathering Storm in which a new aspect will be added which I suspect is meant to add an element of realism or accuracy. For those unfamiliar with the game, Civilization, for at least its last half of iterations, is a game steeped in historical accuracy and intrigue. I have acutally learned much from this game over the years of playing it like what a feitoria or polder is or who Ramkhamhaeng is. I highly value history and historical accuracy especially when it is delivered in an entertainment format to which I enjoy subscribing (like video games).

One portion of the expansions many additions is described below on the Steam page for the game:

I felt many of the new additions were really good but I took exception to the global warming concept. So I started a thread and posted my opinion as seen below:

Of course a post like this is going to garner many replies.

And I did make the mistake of saying global warming would not casue the oceans to rise as some accurately speak to:

I went to immediately correct myself with a post and received this message. I took the time to make this message because I feel like we should be able to discuss points without making a huge issue out of them and jumping to claims of political offense when I was simply trying to say that global warming as a result of man is not a confirmed fact and therefore has no place in a game dedicated to accuracy. Yet folks jumped immediately to political polarizations and became emotional. This begets my bigger point: We will never be able to talk about or solve any problem if you bring your suppositions and bias to the table. The reply I was going to post basically admitted that warming temperatures do cause sea level rise but that the land is also shifting in places, meaning the rate of rise is relevant. Scandanavia, for example, is rising faster than the oceans resulting in a lowering of the ocean along their shores. But my point was that man doesn’t make it happen and it therefore should not be a part of the game in that way. I just wish we could -talk- about something before pointing at each other and saying, “You’re wrong!”, accusing of being political, and shutting down conversation. I might have learned something. You might have learned something. But not this time; like many times. It was just devolved into faction and bias before anything intelligent could be said.