In Search Of Lost Frogs: My Epic Quest To Photograph The Rarest Frogs In The World
In Search of Lost Frogs is a story about my epic quest to find and photograph the rarest amphibians in the world – amazing frogs and salamanders not seen since the turn of the century.
These Lazarus frogs, appearing against all odds years or decades after they were believed extinct, could hold vital clues to help us stem the hemorrhaging of life on our planet.
Enjoy this snapshot of the weird and wonderful creatures I encountered on my journey from Colombia to Costa Rica and Guatemala to Haiti in search of Lazarus frogs, and feast your eyes on more in my new book “In Search of Lost Frogs”.
More info: insearchoflostfrogs.com
Cuchumatan Golden Toad
Masked Treefrog
Hourglass Frogs
Reticulated Glass Frog
Macaya Breast-Spot Frog
Hourglass Frog
Red-Eyed Treefrogs
Palawan Horned Frog
Gliding Treefrog
Golfo Dulce Poison Dart Frog
Eyelash Frog
Lazarus frog
Red-Eyed Treefrog
Reticulated Glass Frog
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