Hi, my name is Addie, I’m 23, and I’ve been dealing with (diagnosed) mental health issues for about ten years now, and I was always quite ashamed of it and tried to hide it as much as I can, now I find a way to express myself and talk about mental health.

More info: Instagram

You are free to start over

In the summer of 2019, things started getting worse again, and that’s when I knew I have two options, to give up entirely or try to start again, try to heal.

You have what it takes

So, I took the more difficult road and decided to deal with it and started a new treatment.

 That’s when I decided to open my little online diary on Instagram, a way for me to be completely honest about my feelings and also, maybe, reach to and inspire others who might be in the (more or less) same situation as me.

Even here, you are growing

For a long time, I thought social media was affecting me negatively, and that’s exactly why I decided to create this account, my mental health journey, on Instagram.

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously


We’ve been told for years now that social media isn’t good for our mental health, which can be true, of course. But this whole world of social media and Instagram is filled with endless content and personalities, and we GET to choose who we want and who we don’t want to follow. We don’t have to avoid our phone altogether to feel better; we can choose to fill it with positive, uplifting, and inspiring content.

It’s going to be ok

So, my journey of healing is still going, lots of ups and even double the downs, but I’m here to keep walking and hopefully reach as many souls who need to read this positive affirmation and to know they’re not alone.

“People change, seasons change, and your perspective changes, too. You start to see where the light gets in. You start to see how to make it through”

I wish you a beautiful day, or night, wherever you are in whichever time zone, please remember you are not alone, and whatever is happening in your life right now, it will get better. Just please don’t give up.

Love, Addie


P.S. I also made a special Instagram filter filled with positive affirmations.

Fun fact, the wonderful person in this gif is the actress playing Regina George on Mean Girls the musical official tour.

I always tend to laugh and say that I am my own Regina George, but, hey, I’m learning how to work on it.