I think it is fair to say that all retail employees/customer service workers have these pet peeves with customers. So let's talk about them in this thread?


My biggest one is when a customer walks in the store I work for within the last 15 minutes of closing, and lingers in the store until (or in some instances after) closing time. The shop I work for usually is more specialty, as I sell accessories for games, like billiards and darts, and these things take more time to find the right product/combo of product to know what works best.

I always like to try and close up on time to help catch my bus, so customers that stay until or past closing usually grind my gears.

Extra bonus jerk points if you pay with cash rather than debit or credit. It makes me have to needlessly recount the cash for the day.


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I volunteer in a charity shop.

It drives me doolaly when customers haggle. No, we won’t take £3 for this lampshade. The tag says £5. The thing would cost you £20 brand new so £5 it is.


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I used to work drive-thru and there are so many. Ordering from across the seat, having the really loud engines/exhaust, and mumbling your order.

Also, those who complain about mayonnaise on your sandwich because you can't tell it apart from mozzarella. They also insisted on a new sandwich without the white cheese after being told it wasn't mayonnaise. So, we remade correct orders at least once or twice a day.


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Nitpicking every little thing and looking for reasons to justify the fact that you didn't intend to leave a tip.
I get it, the whole tipping thing is getting out of control, but if you don't agree with tipping, don't go to a place where it is customary to do it. Don't order from a delivery service. Just go to the drive thru and pick it up yourself.


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