Background: This happened pre-pandemic. We live in a small town. There is one restaurant. The hubby and I go there for breakfast on the weekends and personally know the staff pretty well. We are generous tippers and know the place is usually packed, so there could be a wait but are always patient and understanding. We have never had anything but stellar food and service. On the contrary, my father and his girlfriend also frequent this establishment but are nothing short of demanding, impatient, entitled, and always complain about something, and the staff know it.

I reminisce on the following story whenever I need a good chuckle. The hubby and I happen to arrive for breakfast one morning at the same time as my father and his girlfriend, so we sit together. It's packed as usual and the staff are just getting through the tail end of a big rush and haven't had a chance to restock the tables of jams, peanut butter, napkins etc. No problem, as far as hubby and I are concerned. We greet the staff and take our seats. The staff knows our usual orders and proceeds to bring us our tea before coming to the table to confirm our usual food order. No sooner than the teapot touches the table, Dad's girlfriend pipes up in a holier-than-thou attitude, "you know you're out of jam, and I think I speak for all of us when I ask if we can get it restocked." Keep in mind, we haven't even technically ordered food yet, not to mention that neither the hubby nor I use jam (I hate when people try to "speak for me", I'm not boarding your sinking ship thanks).

The hubby and I are sitting there with stunned looks on our faces, frozen in disbelief. I look at our waitress and she is exhausted and has a look on her face of utter disbelief like she wanted to jump across the table at her and says, "I know... it's been busy, I will make sure you have jam." I try to reassure our waitress and say to her, "no rush, take your time." We proceed to order. My hubby and father end up ordering the exact same breakfast. Our waitress brings out mine and hubbies order first but sits the hubbies order in front of my dad for a moment, picks it up, and says, "oh sorry, this one isn't yours". The hubby and I give each other a look like, what is going to happen next? Our waitress brings out the rest of the food. Dad's girlfriend's toast is burnt char. She looks at it, but doesn't say a word... she knows. After we ate, I went over to our waitress and laughed with her over how incredulous dad's girlfriend was and what a beautiful execution that was, putting dad's girlfriend in her place, and tipped her double. It was a beautiful work of art I had witnessed.


Worked at a pizza place and had a guy bullying one of the young waitresses throughout the meal, complaining about completely nonsense things and just generally being awful. He was loudly talking about how bad his experience was and tripped over his own feet, falling face first into the door. Definitely improved everyones night


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Not me, but a friend.
She was a server at a nice resturant and was almost at the end of her first pregnancy.
I snooty older couple came in and they were seated in her area.
They told her they didn't want her to be their server. No reason, but whatever.
She told them that she would assign another girl to serve them.
Keep in mind that they were in her area.
So she found the worst server them and told her that a table had requested that she be their server.
So, my friend made sure that she gave amazing service to all the tables surrounding this couple. The other tables never had to ask to have their drinks refilled, never had to ask for anything.
(that is how she treats everyone all the time).
So, the snooty couple were not treated well by their server at all, she brought their drinks and food,but never came back to check on them.
They would stop and ask my friend, " could you..) and she would stop them mid sentence and say, "No. You'll have to ask your server".
Well, they left she noticed that there was no tip on the table for their server.
I hope they learned lesson.


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Well I was heading into the Hard Rock Cafe in Ny once late 80s or so and as I entered a snotty Brit pushed me and I almost tripped but another guy stabilized me. The snotty Brit walked face first into the door and it was epic. The nice guy was Jon Bon Jovi. The snotty Brit was David Coverdale. And he’s short. Lol. Thanks Jon.


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