What does society accept that makes you mad? Is it student loans? 'Hustle culture'? US healthcare?


Anyone who is different from you is therefore lesser than you. No exceptions.

Oh, someone has a stutter? Too bad, this person automatically has a really hard time to get a good job that they're deserving of. Not because they've had a lifetime of bullying that only made the stutter worse.

Oh, someone is non-binary? Well why don't you look androgynous? Not because it's a choice to have longer hair, or if they want to wear skirts instead of the stereotypical baggy jeans or whatever.

Oh, someone has dyed hair? Well then they're automatically "troubled." Not because they want to express themselves.

Oh, someone doesn't make eye contact? Well they're automatically hiding something. It's not because they get anxious when they feel obligated to look at someone.

Oh, someone has a different skin colour than you? Well, they're automatically seen as "other." Not because they should be seen by the "colour of their character", as MLK said.

Oh, a boy has an eating disorder? No he doesn't he just wants attention. Only 'girls' get eating disorders.

Oh, someone wants to get away from a toxic relationship? Well, we haven't seen any marks on their body.

It's been a problem forever.



I don't know about other people, but I was a whole 37 years old before I fully grasped that it shouldn't be an issue or argument if you tell your spouse or friend or family member how you are feeling or if they are making you feel bad. Like if we have a solid relationship, I should be able to say to you that I feel like you don't appreciate me or I feel like this when you do that or my feelings in general and it not be WW3. I'm not picking a fight. I'm seeking a resolution! That's fair and appropriate. It isn't about being critical or pointing fingers. I just want to feel happy and secure within this relationship and they should want the same! By all means talk to me! I don't want to walk on eggshells in misery while not having my needs met and I don't want you to either. That isn't an unreasonable expectation.


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sophiedorothea avatar
SaneMinotaur (she/her)
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yessss, this! I grew up in an abusive household, and spent my teens/ twenties in abusive relationships. It wasn't until I got with my husband that I realised.... relationships shouldn't make you depressed and worse... I'm glad you have had this realisation, and I hope you are happier now

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Religions that claim to be the only true religion.



Beauty standards. They teach people that there is one good way for a body to look when that is not true at all and all healthy bodies are good bodies. We need to stop making one type of body the standard. Everyone is different and beautiful.


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sophiedorothea avatar
SaneMinotaur (she/her)
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Beauty standards are incredibly toxic; we need to be more encouraging to people to embrace the qualities they can't change, like stretchmarks, acne scars, vitiligo, etc. I have Psoriasis and I feel extremely ugly when I have a flare up, and I'm covered in scars from it.

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For me personally it’s everyone that NEEDS to be on social media. I don’t really want it to be honest. As a young girl I do think it’s not as important as people make it out to be.



High medical bills, student loans, and the legal selling of ciggarettes, vapes and e-ciggarettes.



In the United Stated, the most toxic thing we still accept is, believe it or not, its our food.


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sophiedorothea avatar
SaneMinotaur (she/her)
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've tried American food and I hate to say it but I agree. It made me feel ill, and the snacks are so salty :(


homophobia, transphobia, fataphobia. should I continue??


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