Ever since entering high school, those in the senior year are idolized and looked up to. They seem like real adults, who have their lives in order and futures prepared and planned. However, as is often the case when one reaches something they'd looked up to in the past, they find themselves feeling directionless and worried, restless and unprepared. Any tips, realizations you had, or general life lessons you'd wished you'd known back then?


You are not as grown up and mature as you think you are. The things and people that are most important in your life right now are going to change drastically over the next 5 years. Don't settle for something less than you want. You have the time to wait for what's right for you. And most of all: your parents love you and they are not always as dumb or lame as you think they are. Listen to them and consider their advice before you make a decision. You don't have to follow it, but at least consider it. You'll be surprised at the outcome.


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