Just like family, we can't choose our neighbors. Tell me about a time when you dealt with unreasonable neighbors.


After a hurricane took out a lot of our pine trees, we got free ones to plant to take their place from the county. My mom planted them near our property line (we had 2 acres) . After a fews of growth our neighbor came with his riding lawnmower and chopped them down. As a little kid I couldn't comprehend why someone would do that. As I grew up I realized some people are just d***s.


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We moved to a little country town when I was little. We had always wanted a farm, but it wasn't an option, so we decided to keep a few animals in our backyard instead.
We had a lot of chickens, but our favorites were Fudge, and Ralph the Rooster who we raised from a chick.
We also had two cute little milk goats named Graham Cracker (after our Gram) and Annabelle (after our aunt).

Our neighbors reported us and made us have to sell all our animals. They said it was because Ralph "crowed too early in the morning" but Ralph wasn't even old enough to crow yet.
I was probably 6 at the time and was devastated. I remember my Mom sitting in the yard, petting the goats and crying.

To add injury to insult, the neighbors who reported us had grandkids who lived across the street from us. A few years after we lost our animals, their grandkids got a pony and chickens and rabbits and guineas (aka guineafowl). Guineas might be the noisiest birds alive...they would shriek at night until it drove us batty.
Both those neighbors also had dogs that barked 24/7 and chased cars as well.

I was pretty annoyed about the whole thing, but Mom told me to take the high ground and be thankful that the neighbors were interested in self-sustaining and learning to raise animals.
We moved away and now live on a farm with lots of animals, so I guess it turned out okay.


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she does not like us she hasnt liked us soley bc my parents have kids and the last people had kids who were crazy and shootin guns (no im kidding) so recently when my dad was building our pergola the neighbor called the city to report us (i understand that she might not have known the laws or something but she could have asked to make sure what we were doing was legal) so next thing you know we have to answer questions to an inspector (yes we still have it and no it wasnt illegal) so that was fun i guess


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Used to have black bears that would constantly try to get in the trash.

They are remarkably smart, strong and persistent. By the time I moved to the city my garbage can looked like a prop from Mad Max


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I got the police called on me because my neighbors (sorta neighbors we live a ways away but both live on a farm so idk lol) saw me saying hi to their horses (from the road, not on their property. I was riding my horse and just waved lol). So when their dog ran away a few days later they thought I stole their dog because they couldn’t find it. The dog was just running around in the woods


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See Also on Bored Panda

When i was 17 and first moved into my own place there was a weird smell in the stairwell but as i had never lived in a bloc of flats before didn't know what to do or if there was anything i could do about it so just lived with it for about 2weeks. until one day i got home from college and there was an ambulance outside and first aid people carrying a bodybag down the stairs. So that was my firs encounter with any sort of neighbor and a body all at once


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