Tile explains it all


Don't let people stop you from drawing how you like. If you enjoy drawing it like that, draw it like that. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.


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There will always be jerks no matter what you do, unfortunately.


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As an artist NO. The fact your art is being noticed by critics means it's captured their interest enough to talk about. Some people can't be positive because being negative is easier.
I just had a similar discussion with my daughter last night. There will always be people who won't like what you create and that's okay. Your job, as a creator, is to not please everyone but capture an idea, a vision, perspective, thought, emotion that is unique to you. Not everyone will get it but there will be people who will.


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Keep doing what you love no matter what! As a fellow artist I can confirm you should NOT quit art just because someone doesn't like your style. Everyone is different!


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Don’t listen to others only listen to yourself if YOU think you should stop think about it and remember art doesn’t have to be for money it can just be for fun


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See Also on Bored Panda

Never stop!!! More then anything art should be for the artist. If other people can/decide to enjoy it as well, wonderful! Always remember your art is for you


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