(Note this is kind of a vent) As of recent, I've been getting easily irritated with everyone and everything. And more so, my mood switches insanely fast, I could go from super bubbly to peeved in a matter of minutes. That and I've been demonstrating a lot of BPD traits a lot but im mostly worried about the anger. I'm worried it'll start affecting my friendships and relationships (which it already has) any advice on how to just calm down? Thanks.


I usually come off as a calm and laid back person, but deep down a lot of stuff anger and annoy me. It's caused me to drift away from people. What I like to do is write or draw about what happens in my day and all the feelings I experience, like anger. Like a diary. It helps me and I hope it helps u!


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I usually just keep brewing the hatred inside of me. My counsellor told me to practise mindfulness which I’ve started doing. It’s helping me in my anxieties and in keeping my ego in check. Practicing mindfulness is a good way to destress yourself and it’ll help anger as well


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Going for a walk with my dog. See her happily enjoy it - just a little walk - just always lifts my mood. It doesn't need much for her to be happy. Might as well work for me.


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Listen to 'Drunk walk home' by Mitski. that's my angry song.


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I listen to angry music, write about it, or play my electric guitar or bass.


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See Also on Bored Panda

I don't get angry.
Getting angry is like picking up a hot coal to throw at someone the only person getting burnt is you.


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I usually take some stress relief gummies and play my guitar.


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