My friends in the hospital rn and i thought i was gonna lose him, i cant stop thinking about it and what i would do if he actually passed..


Death is to come, that is for sure.
Nothing can stop it.
Let the grief come. Embrace it. Whether you cry or not. Whether you’re thrown off daily routine or not. Whether you feel the pain or not. However your grief manifests, let it be. You may never recover from the grief, so don’t try and put a timer on it. Just live through with them while you can, so that you have memories to visit when you need to.


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If he passes then he will have passed away knowing that he’s lived the best life he could surrounded by friends and family. He’ll be like a guardian angel looking out for you from up above. Maybe if reincarnation is real, he’ll come back to you. Grief will be very hard on you so prepare to deal with it as much as you can. Maybe if all goes well, he won’t go just yet and can live a longer and more fulfilling life. I understand that this is affecting you a lot so if you want, you can reach out to me :) stay strong and stay safe


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I try to get lost in school or a project and that's really not healthy but it works for a bit but when it stops you need to realize that they would want you to be sad but to cheer up quickly so you can move on and you have to realize if they died they did it when it was supposed to happen and that's that.
I really hope your friend is ok and gets better tho


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Just remember that if he does pass that he's aware he has good friends. Make sure to remind him of it. He knows that he is loved and will always be.


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