For all the queer Pandas, share your story of coming out.


hello all pandas, I have a gift for you
I have gotten amy's account rebanned. She was not hacked, she did not get her account stolen, she lied. I hope you all liked my gift
have a very pleasent evening



i didnt :)
i dont think im going to any time soon.
i dont know if my parents support trans/non binary ppl (me)
can u be lesbian if ur non binary?
if ur afab and nonbinary and only like girls are you a lesbian?


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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Forget the labels and uncertainties. Just be you, who likes whatever you like. The rest is unimportant, and anyone that tells you otherwise is not good for you. Remember, you've got to make a product before you can stick a label on it.

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My coming out story is the worst s**t I've ever heard. I didn't even intend to come out it was my emotions that outed me. So basically a week or 2 ago me, my mom, and my older sister were hanging out in the kitchen talking. Eventually the queer community came up in our conversation and my mom was being a little judgemental but me being the sensitive person I am took this a bit too personally and I broke down right then and there. She then easily found out what was going on (i was being kind of obvious) and I then explained that I've got a ton of bi tendencies and that I've had massive crushes on girls before. She was really understanding and supportive, even if she doesn't totally agree with the lgbtq+ community she still understood. And yet I still wasnt convinced that she fully supported me so I spent the rest of that night absolutely freaking out. I'm not sure if she still remembers me telling her since she was a little tipsy that night and I'm not even sure if my dad knows. It's complicated 👍


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christianlaurendine_1 avatar
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly tho im super happy that there are people that even thought they don’t think its normal or right, they still support people as family. Like my grandma out here having deep conversations with me abt it and we go over stuff like god and religion and what it is. Her basic opinion is “god is all about love” and that god doesn’t make mistakes, saying that “people who are born gay are that way because that’s how god wanted them to be”

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For my mom, I had told her a couple weeks ago that I had a crush, and I just mentioned who it was by name. She gave me a hug and then we moved on with our lives, which is what I was hoping for.

I still haven’t come out to my dad, he’s quite a bit less accepting and open minded, and I’m fairly certain he doesn’t support LGBTQ+. I don’t think he’s actually homophobic, just not supportive of the community. We aren’t that close anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. Someday if I have a girlfriend, maybe he’ll figure it out.


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for my first friend (not first but first one i told of my friends) i just made some notes. not in school of course! in the break. i just wrote some sht on it and something like “they” “non binary” and an attempt at the non binary flag (which was wrong tho) to my second friend i sent her the link to my bp account (before i changed it to what it is now) and yeah.
i’m going to wait to tell my parents because i don’t know if they support lgbtqia+


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I’m still in the closet to my parents (and always will be) but I’m out to some friends. One of my friends knows and I also know that they identify similar to me.


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bubbsart avatar
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6 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Continued: I refer to said friend with she/her when mentioning them to my parents and other coworkers. I alternate between she/they/he when I’m texting her, hanging out with them, or when I mention them online. This has come up fairly quickly when we hung out for the first time (which I am fine with, she remembered when I told her my gender identity when we first met)

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My parents are what THEY’d call (old fashioned), but my mom’s a lot more reserved and able to control her emotions better, so I’m happy it was HER that walked in on me basically on top of some boy who they thought was straight (he was not)



I came out of my room one day and announced it, and my mom burst out laughing because I was wearing TERRIBLE makeup and looked dead, and my dad just sat there processing, and then gave me a thumbs up. My mom then told me that she expected I would change my mind a few times about "what type of gay" I was (she wasn't wrong) and to keep her updated lmao


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christianlaurendine_1 avatar
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

God i am so happy that my parents bully me like yours do instead of actually abusing me

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