Close your eyes and imagine… Well, actually don’t close them please, just continue reading on. But imagine, you come back home with a new item you just bought at the store, you marvel at its design for a little while, examine all the little details about it you didn’t get to appreciate enough while still at the store because come on, who wants to be creepy like that and stand for god knows how long staring at one thing in a public location, we’re not weird like that… Right? Anyway, so you marvel at your new possession and get incredibly curious about who on earth could come up with such a thing. You flip it upside down and of course, here it is, written in all caps. Made in China. Just like this wonderful skull chair featured in today’s story. Scroll down to find out more about it!
More info: Chic Sin Design Co
This skull chair was made by a Chinese company, Chic Sin Design
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
The chair has a movable jaw that opens to swallow you up and spook everyone around you. Cool thing to have around during Halloween season, isn’t it?
The company has its signature knitting technique
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
That was used in making the cover of this chair as well
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
The company is particularly proud of their special knitting technique that was used in making the cover for the beanbag so it looks more life-like than any printed cover would.
They use a special knitting machine to create visual depth and a 3D effect
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
This pixelated effect is a carefully designed element of their signature technique
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
They strive to make their designs not only interesting but functional as well
Image credits: ChicSinDesignCo
See for yourself if they have succeeded
The Internet sure had some things to say about it
Share on FacebookGreat for Basilton Grimm-Pitch (from the books Fangirl, Carry on, and Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell).
Great for Basilton Grimm-Pitch (from the books Fangirl, Carry on, and Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell).