Parenting is a full-time job that most people have to share with a real job, so it’s always good to remember that moms are basically superheroes. So it’s not surprising that moms around the globe would come together online to share ideas, advice, and support. And when you have a community online, inevitably, memes are born.
This online group is dedicated to sharing hilarious memes and images that moms will find painfully relatable. So scroll through and be sure to give your mom a call after upvoting your favorites, she’ll probably appreciate that. If you have your own mom stories, comment below.
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Aren’t They?
Made Me Laugh!
As the internet ecosystem has developed and become ubiquitous in most aspects of our lives, naturally, groups have formed around practically everything. Shared demographics, locations, interests, and, of course, experiences. These were no doubt some of the reasons why the “Mommit” subreddit was formed.
Falling into the top 1% of most popular groups, “Mommit '' boasts over 850k members, who gather to share anything of use to moms. Much of the content revolves around memes and relatable stories, but there is also advice, moral support, and just an exchange of experiences. It’s a great place for first-time parents to get some advice and see that many problems are not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
Am I Right?
I don't have children, but can confirm that a 1-year-old dog behaves in this exact manner when spotted with something in his mouth and is told to "drop it". XD
Is It Acceptable To Just Throw My Hands Up And Say "Pizza Every Night" Because This Whole Cooking And Them Not Eating Thing Is Stressful Lol
Idk man I think the amount of times I threw up dinner could count as her complaining
Of course, most of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for a mother, so it’s surprising that the institution of Mother’s Day only dates back to 1907. The idea came about to a woman named Anna Jarvis, a peace advocate and suffragette, in Grafton, West Virginia. She campaigned to have it recognized as a holiday in the United States, which slowly gained recognition across the country. Now it’s celebrated in over forty countries worldwide.
Behind The Scenes
This Mom's Truthful Invitation Is Hilarious And Refreshing
Moms Are Super Heroes
I don't want to have to be supernatural, I want enough support to be mediocre to good enough
Despite their literal importance as human beings and to humankind in general, maternal healthcare is one of those things we should all be doing better at. Medicine has made strides in some countries, but development is never equally distributed. Over half (56%) of global maternal deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa and 29% happen in South Asia. Even in places with world-class healthcare, childbirth can have complications and is a difficult process.
My Friend Bought Me This For Mother's Day. Probably The Best Book Tbh
Anyone Else Feel This Post At Times?
I like when people say "count on me whenever you need" and then you try to count on them and their answer is like "don't ever forget I'm here for you, anytime you need" as they proceed to do nothing at all
Nap Life
All of the above except Fantasy audio books instead of true crime
The good news is, the trend is downward. Over the last thirty years, maternal mortality has fallen by approximately 44%, which is a lot. But it’s too early to hang up the towel, as over 800 women still die from pregnancy or childbirth-related issues every single day. That comes down to roughly a death every two minutes, meaning that by the time you look through this paragraph and the previous one, there has been a death.
Can't Go To The Bathroom Without Every Being In The House Joining Me
Thx For The Deets
God, This Speaks To My Soul Right Now
None Of Us Knew. Catching Puke In Our Hands? Kids That Lick Feet? Nobody Knew That
One of my favorite stories I love to bring out whenever I have the chance. Once, in a Disneyland bathroom stall, I heard a father in the next stall calmly talking his young son through the bathroom process in that sing-song tone every parent uses with kids...and suddenly shifting to a panicked yell of "NO! NO! Don't touch that with your penis!" Moral of the story? do not know what you're getting into
I Thought You Guys Might Enjoy This
One thing they don't mention in the parenting books; Your love for them grows, the closer to dead they look - Tim Minchin, Lullaby
Idk Who Needs To Hear This But The Laundry Needs To Be Moved Forward
My "Advice" From When I Had A 1 Year Old And A 3 Year Old. I Think It Holds Up
Almost Every Single Time..
Sometimes getting out all the pent up energy before going to sleep helps though
If I Were A Baby…
As read by a ridiculously tired mom rocking a somehow still awake 8 month old at 4:43 am
They're So So Picky
Sometimes You Gotta Let It Happen Lol
At Least She Smiles At Me Now
“Show Me You Have A Toddler Without Showing Me Your Toddler.”
Plot twist those are decorative plastic apples that all our grandparents had.
Funerals Are Where I ✨shine ✨
I totally misread 'by' as 'died' and it was like *my mommy died* which made everything funnier
Avoid Eye Contact At All Costs!
The Truth!!
I can only see a beautiful tshirt floating, what's going on?