I’ll start my Facebook autobiography With things that would’ve help me having just graduating high school … in hopes that it might be relevant to more people across the board: like that cat in a dog pound analogy – mind reading – pink elephant in the room – (a big one here) “opposition” propaganda because you have to reference everybody by saying “imaginary people” … this is why you get people saying certain things didn’t happen in history, their taking over the country. Being a race and religion. Profiting off of their white side but yet conniving on their imaginary side not to unlike how the mafia works. Should we teach how gay marriages work when we teach the birds and the bees in school for children. You won’t have friends of the opposite sex other than your significant other but yet we should pretend that someday it might be like that a.k.a. the American dream. Are the people around you putting down on paper their white although behaving in their imaginary way like the mafia works, leaving you out of the loop. But anyway

On behalf of the Finnish people I apologize for being that spark a memory that gets passed on through generations bringing life from the sea. Personally my senior spoke about the Australopithecus calling him everything that you can think of trying to get them to walk let alone run.

Now this business about the Germans being most handsome which I kind of think that they’re the monkey to the Scandinavians …the origin of the Scandinavians so would it be a fair assessment to say that the monkey is better looking than the Scandinavian. Come on I ask you.

I’ll start my Facebook autobiography With things that would’ve help me having just graduating high school … in hopes that it might be relevant to more people across the board: like that cat in a dog pound analogy – mind reading – pink elephant in the room – (a big one here) “opposition” propaganda because you have to reference everybody by saying “imaginary people” … this is why you get people saying certain things didn’t happen in history, their taking over the country. Being a race and religion. Profiting off of their white side but yet conniving on their imaginary side not to unlike how the mafia works. Should we teach how gay marriages work when we teach the birds and the bees in school for children. You won’t have friends of the opposite sex other than your significant other but yet we should pretend that someday it might be like that a.k.a. the American dream. Are the people around you putting down on paper their white although behaving in their imaginary way like the mafia works, leaving you out of the loop. But anyway

On behalf of the Finnish people I apologize for being that spark a memory that gets passed on through generations bringing life from the sea. Personally my senior spoke about the Australopithecus calling him everything that you can think of trying to get them to walk let alone run.

Now this business about the Germans being most handsome which I kind of think that they’re the monkey to the Scandinavians …the origin of the Scandinavians so would it be a fair assessment to say that the monkey is better looking than the Scandinavian. Come on I ask you.