Person Pens Down How Important It Is To Serve Customers Exactly What They Ordered And The Tumblr Thread Goes Viral
Anyone who has been a part of the food service industry knows that there are often unfortunate incidents where the servers or the kitchen can mess up a customer’s order. (Or I’ve just worked in really, really bad places.) But it’s not the end of the world if you spot the error before they dig in. You can always apologize, offer a complimentary coffee, and have the chef prepare another meal. However, not everyone possesses basic logic. And some are downright evil.
A viral Tumblr thread has just resurfaced after Redditors dug it up and reshared it on their own platform. The online conversation reminds servers that allergies and disease are no joke and urges them to “make the food and drinks people order the way they f****** order them.” Which is the least that someone who pays money for nut-free granola can ask for, right? To not die from it?
Image credits: Jennifer Bedoya
To put this thread into context, consider this: over 170 foods have been reported to cause allergic reactions but the major culprits are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish. They are usually the ones responsible for most of the serious food allergy reactions.
Researchers estimate that 32 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.6 million children under the age of 18. That equates to 1 in 13 children, or roughly two in every classroom. Plus, about 40 percent of children with food allergies are allergic to more than one food.
But not all servers are so incompetent or evil that their actions could seriously threaten their clients. Danil Nevsky, the founder and CEO of the Indie Bartender Company, an organization that strives to inspire and support fearless and enthusiastic bartenders, told Bored Panda he hasn’t noticed a trend like the one in the now-viral thread. “Generally, the staff of today are much more aware of these things [than, for example, those who worked in the industry a decade or so ago],” Nevsky said.
“In Europe, you’re forced by law to have a page in the menu full of allergens and warnings regarding all items. Kitchen and bar staff have to go through the necessary on-the-job training to know how foods and drinks are prepared in order to make sure that every guideline is met,” the seasoned bartender added.
This is very reassuring, considering that the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) reported that the prevalence of food allergy in children increased by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011.
There is no single explanation for why these numbers are increasing, but science has some theories. A popular one is that improved hygiene is to blame, as children are not getting as many infections. Parasitic infections, in particular, are normally fought by the same mechanisms involved in tackling allergies.
Each year, 200,000 people in the US require emergency medical care for allergic reactions to food.
Sadly, there is no cure for food allergies, and avoiding triggers is the only way to prevent a reaction.
Here’s what people said after reading the post
It is very simple: if you offer options, provide them. If you are asked for extras, either confirm or decline them. Offering / accepting but not providing is unethical, regardless of the validity of reasons the customers may have.
Not only is it unethical, in most countries it's illegal to say you're giving someone something, but then to give them something else without consent. Specifically for the reasons outlined above.
Load More Replies...I love coffee but I need decaf because if I ingest caffeine my anxiety spikes and I get a horrible attack. Once mom gave me a not-decaf on purpose thinking it was a lie (not a very supportive person tbh), and I had a very bad time. I'm afraid to order coffee outside because I fear the barista may give me a normal one by mistake (since they usually prepare many cups at the same time and all look the same). Please be careful with these things if you work in the sector
For some people with epilepsy, caffeine is a seizure trigger. Ordering a decaf and having a seizure because some idiot doesn't follow the rules not only would ruin someone's day, but could be life threatening.
Load More Replies...My friend 13-year-old went to the ER a few weeks ago after his dad asked the server if there were nuts in the dessert, the server assured them there were no nuts, and they had to take the kid to the ER because there were nuts in it (he was treated and he's ok). My friend took it up with the restaurant manager and they changed the menu the next day to list nuts. She was absolutely furious at the restaurant, appropriately.
How the heck have they made it so long without listing if they have nuts?? I'm so glad your friend's kid is okay!!
Load More Replies...It is very simple: if you offer options, provide them. If you are asked for extras, either confirm or decline them. Offering / accepting but not providing is unethical, regardless of the validity of reasons the customers may have.
Not only is it unethical, in most countries it's illegal to say you're giving someone something, but then to give them something else without consent. Specifically for the reasons outlined above.
Load More Replies...I love coffee but I need decaf because if I ingest caffeine my anxiety spikes and I get a horrible attack. Once mom gave me a not-decaf on purpose thinking it was a lie (not a very supportive person tbh), and I had a very bad time. I'm afraid to order coffee outside because I fear the barista may give me a normal one by mistake (since they usually prepare many cups at the same time and all look the same). Please be careful with these things if you work in the sector
For some people with epilepsy, caffeine is a seizure trigger. Ordering a decaf and having a seizure because some idiot doesn't follow the rules not only would ruin someone's day, but could be life threatening.
Load More Replies...My friend 13-year-old went to the ER a few weeks ago after his dad asked the server if there were nuts in the dessert, the server assured them there were no nuts, and they had to take the kid to the ER because there were nuts in it (he was treated and he's ok). My friend took it up with the restaurant manager and they changed the menu the next day to list nuts. She was absolutely furious at the restaurant, appropriately.
How the heck have they made it so long without listing if they have nuts?? I'm so glad your friend's kid is okay!!
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