Santa needs to prepare for his big day every year and as you would guess December is crunch time. 

This artist is drawing his daily activities for you to have a sneak peek inside the life of jolly ol St. Nick up until take off.

More info: Instagram

Ho Ho HO

Not sure if you know this but on December 2nd Santa starts warming up his vocal chords for caroling and hohoho -ing

Reindeer Games

It’s December 11th and we are getting down to the wire here folks. Santa is running drills with the reindeer today. 🎅 Soon enough they will be tap tap tapping on rooftops.

It begins…

It’s Dec. 1st , you know what that means…. countdown til Christmas! Santa boot camp has begun 🎅🍭🎄

Festive Sweaters

December 12th and Santa is as busy as ever. You probably already know that santa has a huge post Christmas party to celebrate his gift giving but what you may not know is that santa makes and wears his very own ugly christmas sweater 🎅



December 5th is toy testing day! Santa and the elves test this year’s hottest wish list items. Hopefully santa can pull away from that nes classic and get back to work!

Beard Trim

Every December 9th Santa gets a fresh cut.