The power of music goes back to the ancient history of humanity’s past. Whether it’s the message being sung, or the rhythm of it’s song, music is powerful.

Anyone with ears has turned to music to reduce the symptoms of stress, but until recently, the effects of music have been passed off as some urban legend. Now science is finally studying the area of musical phenomena, and some interesting things have been discovered. There’s much to be studied and confirmed, but there are some fascinating scientific discoveries that have people questioning music’s impact on human beings…

Music And Intention

Many of us are already familiar with the famous water experiment by scientist Masaru Emoto. For those out of the loop, the study looked at the effects of words and emotions on water. Positive or negative words and phrases like “hope,” “I love you,” and “You make me sick,” were taped onto water samples. These samples were then “treated” by having the word or phrase spoken out loud while feeling the associated emotion. Finally, they were frozen and then put under the microscope.

The before and after pictures revealed a startling change in the water samples. Even more astounding was how the water samples with the positive words developed beautiful crystalline water molecules of the positive words. This experiment brought up many questions around the validity of the study and what was really at work. Emoto took his studies further by studying intention on rice, and once again, the results showed that positive thoughts and emotions had a powerful impact. You didn’t need a microscope to see that though, because the rice samples that got the “negative treatment” were covered in mold and emitting a less-than-pleasant odor.


In 2005, Emoto wanted to see if intention was a power in itself, and so him and his team stepped his studies up by testing intention on water. Across the world no less! Water samples were placed in a room in Los Angeles with an electromagnetic shield that would block out the electromagnetic influence of the brain and the heart (thoughts and emotions). Halfway across the globe in Tokyo, a group of 2,000 people were shown a picture of these water samples. The group were given basic instructions, and then they said a prayer for the water which lasted all of 5 minutes. Then the samples were wrapped up and sent to the lab for testing.

Let me stress that these water samples were shielded from the electromagnetic energy of thought and emotion, and they were prayed for — via picture — by people 5,000 miles away.

The results? Neither distance nor electromagnetic blocks could stop the formation of the water’s beautiful and crystalline transformation. So, can we conclude that the thoughts and emotions put into a song can have a physical affect on us? If you have any doubts, a look at the frequencies of emotional/mental states ought to clear that up…

Scientists have discovered that the Earth naturally produces sound frequencies (aka the Schumann Resonances). Amazingly, the frequencies overlap with the frequencies of human brainwaves. The lowest Schumann resonance that averages out at 7.83 Hz has been especially intriguing. This electromagnetic frequency oscillates around 8 Hz, and the alpha brainwaves that correlate with an active, alert, and calm state of mind just happen to range between 8 and 12 Hz.


Given the connection between the Schumann resonance and the brain, Scientists have pondered the idea that Earth’s electromagnetic “noise” plays a role in human everyday life. The research done so far shows a very interesting connection between the Schumann resonances and human health and behavior.

More info:

Check out the full article to learn more about this amazing discovery they made.