Black Customer Gets Accused Of Stealing His Own Jacket, So He Makes Them Regret It

BoredPanda staff
First impressions are often wrong, and in this case, it was also humiliating. 29-year-old James Conley III has shared a series of videos, showing a West Des Moines Old Navy employee accusing him of stealing a jacket. “I was accused that I didn’t pay for my blue bubble jacket that I got for Christmas that I wore into the store,” he wrote.
Conley’s story has attracted the interest of the entire county, accumulating over 113K reactions and 150K shares on Facebook. The man plans to file a civil rights complaint and then a civil damages lawsuit. He claimed that the nationwide reaction to his Facebook post helped him realize how huge and widespread of an issue racial profiling is.
Scroll down to read what James and Old Navy itself have to say about the incident.
More info: Facebook
James Conley, a regular customer of Old Navy has just had a shopping experience he will probably never forget
Leaving the shop, James couldn’t believe what just happened
Soon after, Old Navy (owned by Gap Inc.) released a statement about the situation
Regardless, James plans to file a civil rights complaint and then a civil damages lawsuit. What’s your take on the incident? Let us know in the comments below!
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Rokas is a writer at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. After working for a sculptor, he fell in love with visual storytelling and enjoys covering everything from TV shows (any Sopranos fans out there?) to photography. Throughout his years in Bored Panda, over 300 million people have read the posts he's written, which is probably more than he could count to.
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Rokas Laurinavičius
Author, BoredPanda staff
Rokas is a writer at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. After working for a sculptor, he fell in love with visual storytelling and enjoys covering everything from TV shows (any Sopranos fans out there?) to photography. Throughout his years in Bored Panda, over 300 million people have read the posts he's written, which is probably more than he could count to.
So glad he recorded this nonsense and got the names as faces of those people. They're pathetic and he truly kept his cool through it all. An amazing reaction given the situation he was put in.
He was great! Keeping his composure the way he did, magnifies the absurdity of the situation.
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so you say...yet an apology and the firing of the three employees is not enough for him?? Now it's all about the money he thinks he will make after he files the lawsuits.
That is one possible reason but you're missing out on the big picture. If he should win a lawsuit, what do you suppose the company will do to prevent future incidents like this. If I was the CEO, I would very quickly implement a training program for all employees to participate in annually. It also sheds light on why "Black Lives Matter" too!
After 16 years of being in retail, all colors, genders and ages steal.
This is true, but young black males are profiled. There is absolutely no doubt about that.
Load More Replies...@Charlotte: But those baby strollers make for great hiding places. The baby may not be stealing, but all the accessories help enable the parent(s) to. It's a shame that some children are raised that it's totally ok to steal. To Megan's point. Amen, in my 25+ years working retail, it's always been stressed, to never assume based on appearance, but focus on behavior instead.Thieves tend to give themselves away. Had a Loss Prevention mgr tell us the story of how he was touring a store when they saw 2 guys walk in grab a canoe put it over their heads and walk out. Some random shopping even held the door assuming that no one would be that brazen.
I disagree. I have yet to see a new born shoving a pair of shoes inside it's romper...
@heather mack-scott It's also sad when people are raised racist too.
Lol Charlotte. I have seen a young as 2, it was out of a bulk foods bin and his mother brought him back and forced the store manager to tell him he was going to call the cops and throw him in jail. The kid just about pissed himself.
10+ years of working contract security makes me doubt that very much, actually. Race is a very poor indicator of a person's intention. Like when I ask a person if I can help them find someone... my intention is to be helpful. not, somehow, passive-aggressively tell people they don't belong. If I have some reason to believe you don't belong, I'll ask flat-out what your doing in my building. Race is never a reason to do that. Gender sometimes has been, however. (there was a lawyer that specialized in spousal abuse. Sometimes angry husbands showed up. They got to find out how I feel about spousal abuse.)
This is my experience too, at least in Germany black people ain´t shot by the police, but I see racism so often, at the stores, at authorities, downtown, everywhere, #BlackLivesMatter, and we´re all God´s children, no matter what colour of skin, religion, ethnical origin, gender or sexual direction we have!!!
Some stores are so deep in black areas they gotta suspect who they suspect they cannot wait for a Swedish tourist to walk in BUT ys still should have cause the cameras are right there.
There's also no doubt about him walking into a store wearing a jacket from said store, with the tag still on. Said jacket he got months ago. If I was stopped in an Old Navy because my jacket I got before still had a tag, I would stick up for myself, apologize for causing an event, and ask them to check the security cameras. Once the tapes confirm I came in with the jacket, I'd apologize and be on my merry way. I guess if I'm black(I'm not) I could've filmed it, posted it on facebook captioning "Racist! LOL", filed a lawsuit, got 3 minimum-wage workers probably working paycheck to paycheck fired, and be praised by the media. If only I was black.
Thus, all the clever thieves use young white girls yo do their shoplifting. At the peril of the Retailers. 2-types-of...bd0300.jpg
Most young people are profiled....whether black, white, Spanish.... it’s the age that’s profiled. Not color
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What about the multiple white friends I've had that get watched like a hawk as soon as they enter a mall, a store, etc. I've had friends who have gone through this who were white(big surprise) but you don't see them marching up and down the streets making a big f*****g scene acting like the world owes them something. Black people aren't victims, the ones like you like having privilege and act like you had chains and shackles on 100+ years ago.
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It’s a matter of the bad blacks ruining things for the good ones, there’s a majority of prisons are filled with black guys and that really ruins things for the good black people
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15 years ago, definitely. not so much today. corporations will not tolerate it..what happened here was an anomaly, it's not the norm... and they all were destroyed. guess we're all happy now. I will sleep so much better knowing some clerks were canned.
Sure, it happens. But once you find out that you, as the store manager, was wrong and that the person did NOT steal anything and was a paying customer, you should have the decency and professionalism to apologize to that customer 12 ways from Sunday. Maybe even find a way to make it up to him for his time and inconvenience, not to mention all of the other things he was feeling at that moment. There were 100 different ways that could have gone to make it better than just totally dismissing him and the s**t he had just been put through. Basic customer service and human decency.
A nice gift card for example would have helped with some huge apologies!
A simple "Oh we´re sorry, but we sell the same jackets too here" would´ve done it for James, I think, but NOPE, not a single sign of regret or any apologize!!!
That's just the subtle racism we as young black men face in this country. :-( sad-baby-5...e23479.gif
I think he didn't go apologize because he realized after the filming and calling the cashiers racist that this was a get-rich-quick-because-I'm-black and not a simple mistake and he didn't want to lose his job, be hated by the media, and get his life ruined by some piece of s**t. "Basic costumer service and human decency"? Say that to James.
This is anecdotal but I look white & am a young female. I have often walked into stores wearing merchandise I have purchased there & have never once been stopped & treated like this man was.
When I worked retail (2 diff companies) we weren't even allowed to confront a customer who looked suspicious unless they tried to walk out of the store with merchandise that we personally saw them steal. The scenario here is disrespectful & at least borders on illegal (it IS illegal where I live.)
I don't know how many but I'd bet they were young and did not look so well to do. they profile everything and sometimes it's not done equally and most times that doesn't equal racism, just a bit of common sense. The store has to strictly define common sense stops and what is just cause. Smart shop lifters work in teams with a innocent one acting suspicious and while they are tied up with them they get the good stuff.
Dum dum he came in the store with the jacket on so he didn't steal it pay attention
so???????????? Do we treat everyone like this??? If one is caught in surveillance camera, than also he/she is asked to go inside the manager's cabin and whatever procedure has to be followed are observed. No way one should be humiliated like this.
Your comment almost sounds like you are condoning the actions of the Old Navy staff, by stating "All colors, genders and ages steal." While that most likely IS an accurate statement, why would you even bother to comment on it if not to try an condone the (now fired) staff's actions? If anything, you could have commented some such as: while it is possible that ANY person, regardless of race, color or creed, can be accused of theft, the staff of Old Navy could have, and SHOULD HAVE, used a LOT more discretion and tack when dealing with a customer they were concerned to have been involved in a property theft." That leaves the accusatory nature of your wording out yet allows for employees to actually to do their jobs and conduct a THOROUGH investigation and apologizing for any error and/or inconvenience this customer had been made to endure. The customer, OTOH, was smart to remain calm, cool and respectful while (RIGHTFULLY!) maintaining his innocence! Must we all start wearing Body Cams?
^ (STOOPID autocorrect...change "tack" to "tact" to make it right and remove the capital "A" where I was quoting Megan's comment, too. Also, add quotations at the beginning of my inclusion sentence and capitalize MY addition at the start of my suggested comment insertion. I suppose "I" should use a bit more care to be sure I don't throw rocks at folks in glass houses before I ensure MY house is in order, eh? LOL :-)
I didn't read the comment that way at all. I thought the OP was emphasizing how ignorant it was to profile the guy. I took it as a msg to Old Navy; like "Hey you dummy's, all thieves are not young, black guys." (and nor are all young, black guys thieves.)
Boy you have that right. I've seen it multiple times as an emp!oyee and a store owner.
Yes, this! Everybody can and will steal, but here’s another thing. Young black men already know you suspect them, so guess what? The people they don’t think are stealing, know they aren’t suspected at all, so...
So does that necessarily follow then that this man is a thief? talk about type casting where on Earth do you come from.
whats your point? have you ever been forced to take off an article of clothing and have it scanned to prove you didn't steal it?
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Your point being......? Should Old Navy then scan all of the garments worn by every customer who enters their store? I guess, since you have been in retail for 16 years, you also know that actions based profiling are illegal.
I think her point was that racial profiling is stupid because *everyone* steals. That assuming he was more likely to be a thief because he was a young black male was not only racist but flies in the face of what their experience (the manager anyway, no idea how much experience the clerks had) should have told them.
I am white and I am old. I have seen a lot of inappropriate behavior. I support his plan to sue and file. Don't most garments, including coats, have metal bits attached that set off an alarm when one tries to leave the store? Either wait until the child walks through the alarm or check the place on the coat where the metal thing is attached. And if it isn't there and there is no hole making it obvious the metal was torn out, then offer a major apology and a gift card. I've always understood that a person cannot be charged with shoplifting until leaving the store. Is that no longer true? Sorry this happened to you, young man.
As well, he was NOT OBSERVED taking the jacket, as he obviously didn't. That makes it a racially motivated hate crime.
Load More Replies...Racial profiling, yes. And they rightfully got fired. Hate crime.....no. That's not it works.
Don't you think thatyou are taking this to the extreme? Racial profiling? YES! Hate crime??? God... you must be cray cray
I don't know the rules in the US, but yeah, in the UK, you need to have seen them take the item, and then not lose sight of them until they leave the shop with it before you can stop them. Notice how they wouldn't even look at him either, so embarrassed to be caught out and filmed being d***s.
AND as a store employee I was ALWAYS told you DO NOT accuse the shopper of shoplifting-- you leave that to SECURITY
This is so obvious the store help was poorly trained and Old Navy should pay something to this young man. The managers should be fired not employees following direct orders.
to answer the question, Jacki, once the item is off property, the store can no longer intervene to prevent loss. Even pursuing the individual into the parking lot is considered crossing from protecting yourself from theft to assaulting the thief. (unless the parking lot is access-controlled.) For a crime to happen there is generally considered to be three things that need to be demonstrated: intent, motive and opportunity. Motive is obvious ('free' stuff) opportunity is equally so- your in the store. Intent, becomes demonstrated when you walk past the cashier, with the item concealed so they don't notice and try to exit. Not that James was guilty of anything.
So glad he recorded this nonsense and got the names as faces of those people. They're pathetic and he truly kept his cool through it all. An amazing reaction given the situation he was put in.
He was great! Keeping his composure the way he did, magnifies the absurdity of the situation.
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so you say...yet an apology and the firing of the three employees is not enough for him?? Now it's all about the money he thinks he will make after he files the lawsuits.
That is one possible reason but you're missing out on the big picture. If he should win a lawsuit, what do you suppose the company will do to prevent future incidents like this. If I was the CEO, I would very quickly implement a training program for all employees to participate in annually. It also sheds light on why "Black Lives Matter" too!
After 16 years of being in retail, all colors, genders and ages steal.
This is true, but young black males are profiled. There is absolutely no doubt about that.
Load More Replies...@Charlotte: But those baby strollers make for great hiding places. The baby may not be stealing, but all the accessories help enable the parent(s) to. It's a shame that some children are raised that it's totally ok to steal. To Megan's point. Amen, in my 25+ years working retail, it's always been stressed, to never assume based on appearance, but focus on behavior instead.Thieves tend to give themselves away. Had a Loss Prevention mgr tell us the story of how he was touring a store when they saw 2 guys walk in grab a canoe put it over their heads and walk out. Some random shopping even held the door assuming that no one would be that brazen.
I disagree. I have yet to see a new born shoving a pair of shoes inside it's romper...
@heather mack-scott It's also sad when people are raised racist too.
Lol Charlotte. I have seen a young as 2, it was out of a bulk foods bin and his mother brought him back and forced the store manager to tell him he was going to call the cops and throw him in jail. The kid just about pissed himself.
10+ years of working contract security makes me doubt that very much, actually. Race is a very poor indicator of a person's intention. Like when I ask a person if I can help them find someone... my intention is to be helpful. not, somehow, passive-aggressively tell people they don't belong. If I have some reason to believe you don't belong, I'll ask flat-out what your doing in my building. Race is never a reason to do that. Gender sometimes has been, however. (there was a lawyer that specialized in spousal abuse. Sometimes angry husbands showed up. They got to find out how I feel about spousal abuse.)
This is my experience too, at least in Germany black people ain´t shot by the police, but I see racism so often, at the stores, at authorities, downtown, everywhere, #BlackLivesMatter, and we´re all God´s children, no matter what colour of skin, religion, ethnical origin, gender or sexual direction we have!!!
Some stores are so deep in black areas they gotta suspect who they suspect they cannot wait for a Swedish tourist to walk in BUT ys still should have cause the cameras are right there.
There's also no doubt about him walking into a store wearing a jacket from said store, with the tag still on. Said jacket he got months ago. If I was stopped in an Old Navy because my jacket I got before still had a tag, I would stick up for myself, apologize for causing an event, and ask them to check the security cameras. Once the tapes confirm I came in with the jacket, I'd apologize and be on my merry way. I guess if I'm black(I'm not) I could've filmed it, posted it on facebook captioning "Racist! LOL", filed a lawsuit, got 3 minimum-wage workers probably working paycheck to paycheck fired, and be praised by the media. If only I was black.
Thus, all the clever thieves use young white girls yo do their shoplifting. At the peril of the Retailers. 2-types-of...bd0300.jpg
Most young people are profiled....whether black, white, Spanish.... it’s the age that’s profiled. Not color
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What about the multiple white friends I've had that get watched like a hawk as soon as they enter a mall, a store, etc. I've had friends who have gone through this who were white(big surprise) but you don't see them marching up and down the streets making a big f*****g scene acting like the world owes them something. Black people aren't victims, the ones like you like having privilege and act like you had chains and shackles on 100+ years ago.
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It’s a matter of the bad blacks ruining things for the good ones, there’s a majority of prisons are filled with black guys and that really ruins things for the good black people
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15 years ago, definitely. not so much today. corporations will not tolerate it..what happened here was an anomaly, it's not the norm... and they all were destroyed. guess we're all happy now. I will sleep so much better knowing some clerks were canned.
Sure, it happens. But once you find out that you, as the store manager, was wrong and that the person did NOT steal anything and was a paying customer, you should have the decency and professionalism to apologize to that customer 12 ways from Sunday. Maybe even find a way to make it up to him for his time and inconvenience, not to mention all of the other things he was feeling at that moment. There were 100 different ways that could have gone to make it better than just totally dismissing him and the s**t he had just been put through. Basic customer service and human decency.
A nice gift card for example would have helped with some huge apologies!
A simple "Oh we´re sorry, but we sell the same jackets too here" would´ve done it for James, I think, but NOPE, not a single sign of regret or any apologize!!!
That's just the subtle racism we as young black men face in this country. :-( sad-baby-5...e23479.gif
I think he didn't go apologize because he realized after the filming and calling the cashiers racist that this was a get-rich-quick-because-I'm-black and not a simple mistake and he didn't want to lose his job, be hated by the media, and get his life ruined by some piece of s**t. "Basic costumer service and human decency"? Say that to James.
This is anecdotal but I look white & am a young female. I have often walked into stores wearing merchandise I have purchased there & have never once been stopped & treated like this man was.
When I worked retail (2 diff companies) we weren't even allowed to confront a customer who looked suspicious unless they tried to walk out of the store with merchandise that we personally saw them steal. The scenario here is disrespectful & at least borders on illegal (it IS illegal where I live.)
I don't know how many but I'd bet they were young and did not look so well to do. they profile everything and sometimes it's not done equally and most times that doesn't equal racism, just a bit of common sense. The store has to strictly define common sense stops and what is just cause. Smart shop lifters work in teams with a innocent one acting suspicious and while they are tied up with them they get the good stuff.
Dum dum he came in the store with the jacket on so he didn't steal it pay attention
so???????????? Do we treat everyone like this??? If one is caught in surveillance camera, than also he/she is asked to go inside the manager's cabin and whatever procedure has to be followed are observed. No way one should be humiliated like this.
Your comment almost sounds like you are condoning the actions of the Old Navy staff, by stating "All colors, genders and ages steal." While that most likely IS an accurate statement, why would you even bother to comment on it if not to try an condone the (now fired) staff's actions? If anything, you could have commented some such as: while it is possible that ANY person, regardless of race, color or creed, can be accused of theft, the staff of Old Navy could have, and SHOULD HAVE, used a LOT more discretion and tack when dealing with a customer they were concerned to have been involved in a property theft." That leaves the accusatory nature of your wording out yet allows for employees to actually to do their jobs and conduct a THOROUGH investigation and apologizing for any error and/or inconvenience this customer had been made to endure. The customer, OTOH, was smart to remain calm, cool and respectful while (RIGHTFULLY!) maintaining his innocence! Must we all start wearing Body Cams?
^ (STOOPID autocorrect...change "tack" to "tact" to make it right and remove the capital "A" where I was quoting Megan's comment, too. Also, add quotations at the beginning of my inclusion sentence and capitalize MY addition at the start of my suggested comment insertion. I suppose "I" should use a bit more care to be sure I don't throw rocks at folks in glass houses before I ensure MY house is in order, eh? LOL :-)
I didn't read the comment that way at all. I thought the OP was emphasizing how ignorant it was to profile the guy. I took it as a msg to Old Navy; like "Hey you dummy's, all thieves are not young, black guys." (and nor are all young, black guys thieves.)
Boy you have that right. I've seen it multiple times as an emp!oyee and a store owner.
Yes, this! Everybody can and will steal, but here’s another thing. Young black men already know you suspect them, so guess what? The people they don’t think are stealing, know they aren’t suspected at all, so...
So does that necessarily follow then that this man is a thief? talk about type casting where on Earth do you come from.
whats your point? have you ever been forced to take off an article of clothing and have it scanned to prove you didn't steal it?
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Your point being......? Should Old Navy then scan all of the garments worn by every customer who enters their store? I guess, since you have been in retail for 16 years, you also know that actions based profiling are illegal.
I think her point was that racial profiling is stupid because *everyone* steals. That assuming he was more likely to be a thief because he was a young black male was not only racist but flies in the face of what their experience (the manager anyway, no idea how much experience the clerks had) should have told them.
I am white and I am old. I have seen a lot of inappropriate behavior. I support his plan to sue and file. Don't most garments, including coats, have metal bits attached that set off an alarm when one tries to leave the store? Either wait until the child walks through the alarm or check the place on the coat where the metal thing is attached. And if it isn't there and there is no hole making it obvious the metal was torn out, then offer a major apology and a gift card. I've always understood that a person cannot be charged with shoplifting until leaving the store. Is that no longer true? Sorry this happened to you, young man.
As well, he was NOT OBSERVED taking the jacket, as he obviously didn't. That makes it a racially motivated hate crime.
Load More Replies...Racial profiling, yes. And they rightfully got fired. Hate crime.....no. That's not it works.
Don't you think thatyou are taking this to the extreme? Racial profiling? YES! Hate crime??? God... you must be cray cray
I don't know the rules in the US, but yeah, in the UK, you need to have seen them take the item, and then not lose sight of them until they leave the shop with it before you can stop them. Notice how they wouldn't even look at him either, so embarrassed to be caught out and filmed being d***s.
AND as a store employee I was ALWAYS told you DO NOT accuse the shopper of shoplifting-- you leave that to SECURITY
This is so obvious the store help was poorly trained and Old Navy should pay something to this young man. The managers should be fired not employees following direct orders.
to answer the question, Jacki, once the item is off property, the store can no longer intervene to prevent loss. Even pursuing the individual into the parking lot is considered crossing from protecting yourself from theft to assaulting the thief. (unless the parking lot is access-controlled.) For a crime to happen there is generally considered to be three things that need to be demonstrated: intent, motive and opportunity. Motive is obvious ('free' stuff) opportunity is equally so- your in the store. Intent, becomes demonstrated when you walk past the cashier, with the item concealed so they don't notice and try to exit. Not that James was guilty of anything.