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Larsas Jaseliūnas
BoredPanda Staff
I help my colleagues publish the best versions of their work possible!
- Studying New Media Language In Kaunas University of Technology
Activity & Interests
- I'm passionate about obscure and strange content, there's nothing better like dredging something up from the very depths of the internet
- I watch horror movies to relax, being scared while you're in a safety bubble is great, especially if it's raining outside
- I once heard "jack of all trades, master of none", took it as an inspiration and somehow just rolled with it
I started as a writer, but time came when I wanted more, so I learned how to do the visuals for my articles too, with the help of my wonderful colleagues. When I had the chance to become an editor, I jumped at the opportunity, because I know that it will be the best way for me to learn more and help out my wonderful colleagues in return.