Dogs are friendly, affectionate, but, most importantly, loyal. They’re willing to do everything for their humans. So, it’s only fair we do everything in our power to take care of them, right? Well, one woman doesn’t think so. When Reddit user Unsurebigbig spent $5,000 for his German Shepherd’s surgery, his fiancée went ballistic. You see, even though the money was his savings, it was also part of their wedding budget. The bride-to-be was furious that they’d have to downsize the ceremony for a 10-year-old dog, so she went into full ignore mode. Unable to figure out what to do, Unsurebigbig asked the internet for advice. (Facebook cover: GaiBru_Photo / istockphoto)


    Image credits: Laura Nicola (not the actual photo)


    According to a survey by the Associated Press and, 14 percent of people would choose their pet over their significant other.

    Unfortunately, the survey only asked, “who would you choose?” Another important question would have been “how in the world did it get to that point?”

    It’s critical to understand where the problem is coming from. Is it your significant other who has a problem with your dog (or the way you treat your dog?) or is it the other way around? Whether the problem is on the human or canine side, Josh Weiss-Roessler from Ceasar’s Way offers a few things that you can try:


    Have Play Dates. Give your spouse and your dog some time alone together. “You probably had them get to know your parents and friends in this way when you started to become more serious, right? Well, your dog may be even more important because they’re essentially a roommate that your spouse may have ‘married into.'”

    Set Ground Rules. Just because you and your dog have a routine, that doesn’t mean that your spouse is comfortable with all of it. “Sit down and have a discussion about the rules, boundaries, and limitations, so you’re both on the same page. Expressing a desire to not sleep with your dog when they’re sleeping with you is a completely reasonable expectation, for example, and if you adopt a ‘take it or leave it’ approach, the relationship (the human one) just isn’t going to last.”

    Compromise. Ah yes, the hallmark of every long-lasting human relationship. “You need to talk about issues as early as possible. Maybe your spouse hates having the dog on any of the furniture. That’s probably not going to fly if you let Fido anywhere and everywhere at all times, so that’s where compromise comes in — no more sleeping on the bed, but the dog can still cuddle on the couch, for example.”


    Here’s what people said about the situation