I (43f) have been with my bf for 5yrs, we have a kid. I have 2 older kids from a previous relationship. My bf and I have had some hard times together, but he is bipolar and schizophrenic. It took time to get him diagnosed and the medication he needs. My kids do not like him because of his behavior during his episodes, I love him because I can recognize the difference between him and these moments where it's not him. We don't live together, and my kids don't even want him at our house. It feels like I'm being pulled in 2 different directions.and I just want to have us all together, makes sense to older kids are 16 and 19...and out of respect for them, he doesn't come over. He has tried inviting them to go eat or just come to his house. He tries, but they are not having it. I don't really know what to do so I'm loving two half life's..and I just want one. I've talked to everyone about my needs, that I feel like I don't really matter here..I don't know if any of this makes sense. I just know I hate how I feel about living this way. My toddler has this odd family dynamic because of all of this ... But I'm mom, and that comes first regardless of my needs...but when do my needs matter?


Also, he helps support this household as well as the one he's living in. Outside of this, my kids are great. And his medications have helped stabilize him mental.


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