13-year Old Shelter Cat Gets Adopted, Can’t Fall Asleep Unless His Human Holds His Paw
Meet Jamie, the 13-year-old Burmese cat who ended up in a shelter after his owner moved into a nursing home and couldn’t take him with her. When Jamie arrived at the RSPCA Australia, he had cat flu, bad teeth and kidney problems, but they gave the kitty the medical care he needed. Still, the staff were worried no one would want such an old cat…
Then, a young woman named Sarah Dempsey stepped in. She came to the shelter looking for a cat that would keep her company. “When I first met [Jamie], he was asleep, but woke up as I bent down to look at him,” Dempsey told The Dodo. “He clearly wanted some pats… I knew he’d rescue me from feeling alone, and I’d do the same for him.”
She took Jamie home, and now he’s obsessed with her. “He won’t leave my side,” Dempsey said. “He likes talking to me at night and follows me around my apartment.”
But the best part is that the cat won’t even sleep, if his new mom isn’t holding his hand. “If I let go he wakes up, meows, and claws my hand back to him,” Dempsey said. “I think we’ve bonded already.”
More info: RSPCA Australia | Facebook (h/t: thedodo)
Meet Jamie, the adopted cat who won’t go to sleep until his new mom holds his paw
The 13-year-old Burmese cat ended up in a shelter after his owner moved into a nursing home
A young woman adopted him. “He won’t leave my side… He is extremely affectionate”
But the best part is that the sleep together holding hands
“If I let go [of his paw] he wakes up, meows, and claws my hand back to him… I think we’ve bonded already”
Share on FacebookThis story put a smile on my face on this otherwise... not so great day. The world needs more people like her!
13 is not so very old for a cat. I know the vets will tell you that 9 is a "senior cat", but I don't see how that can be when ours generally live to be 20 or close to it. We have three shelter cats (or brats, depending on what they're doing), but Charlie is my husband's cat. He's exactly like the cat in the story. When The Boy is home, Charlie is ALWAYS in the same room. He will snuggle up and cling like a limpet.
Asking myself the same thing most of the time. One of my cats lived to be 18 1/2 years. My other cat "only" made it to 15 years, but she had a rough start and lived 14 years longer than the vet predicted (she had cat flu when we got her at 4 months).
Load More Replies...such a lovely cat, happy he found is human and laid his claim on her :)
This story put a smile on my face on this otherwise... not so great day. The world needs more people like her!
13 is not so very old for a cat. I know the vets will tell you that 9 is a "senior cat", but I don't see how that can be when ours generally live to be 20 or close to it. We have three shelter cats (or brats, depending on what they're doing), but Charlie is my husband's cat. He's exactly like the cat in the story. When The Boy is home, Charlie is ALWAYS in the same room. He will snuggle up and cling like a limpet.
Asking myself the same thing most of the time. One of my cats lived to be 18 1/2 years. My other cat "only" made it to 15 years, but she had a rough start and lived 14 years longer than the vet predicted (she had cat flu when we got her at 4 months).
Load More Replies...such a lovely cat, happy he found is human and laid his claim on her :)