These 22 Unbelievable Ads For American Slaves From The 19th Century Will Infuriate You
From ancient times to the present day, slavery was a part of many different cultures, nationalities, and religions. It was first mentioned in the earliest records, such as the Mesopotamian Code Of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BC), and it can, unfortunately still be found in some countries around the world. Although the legal positions of slaves have differed in different times and places, today, domestic slavery is no longer legal anywhere in the world. However, in some form or another, it still appears.
American history is not an exception here. In the USA, having black slaves, was a legal institution in most states during the 18th and 19th centuries. Before the law to prohibit the slave trade was enacted, they were treated like any other commodity you might buy. There were times when slaves were sold to the person who bid the most for them. Sometimes, chattel slavery also destroyed families since the bidder only wanted to buy the strongest and healthiest family member.
As shocking as these slavery facts sound, when the slave ship was about to arrive, the ads for auctions where slaves could be bought appeared all over the city in the form of posters. You can see some of these vintage ads below, but we must warn you – they’re not for the fainthearted, but you cannot erase historical facts. (h/t)
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It's interesting to see where the issues with law enforcement started. It shows that this is nothing knew.
Just so you all know "picinniny" was used as a slur for prepubescent black girls back then.
the sentance likely young women with three children (CHILDREN) also at the same time on the SAME TERMS three Mules. THEY ARE ACTING AS IF HUMAN SLAVES ARE THE SAME VALUE AS HORSES OR 'MULES'
"which will be at the purchaser's option" how could people be so cynical and cruel?
The only positive (and I find it hard to use the term at all) is that they appear to be keeping families together. It is so sad to think people lived their entire lives like this, never knowing freedom, never having any real hope to.
Full hand meaning full time worker. 3-4 hand was like a small child, be it male or female.
it breaks my heart to see how these poor people were treated..cant even imagine what they went through
Hmmnnn...I wonder how so many are described as "mulatress and mulatroo" - I'm afraid they may be products of master/slave rape since whites and blacks did not inter-marry at the time. So heartbreaking to see a little family listed as 5, 6 & 7.
I wish we never brought them here ,,just imagine a world where violent protest were rare ,and music wasn't bragging about fat a*s hoes ,baggy clothes,not to mention the left over 400 billon dollars social services would have to help pore white families out ..if only
I heard that children as young as 4 were taken from the UK to Australia during the first and second world war. to work as slaves! They were beaten, threatened, starved and scared beyond words!