Baby showers are a time to celebrate the little one on the way and give special (and needed!) gifts to the mom-to-be. So imagine you were invited to one. And that means you gotta find a gift. The reality is that expectant parents already have so much on their plate, so you want to get them a gift that’s going to be actually useful. A quick Google search shows thousands of baby shower gift ideas, from cute little toys to useful gadgets, the options are endless.

So picking up a present shouldn’t be much of a challenge. But many moms out there who received pretty questionable stuff from their baby shower guests claim this is not exactly the case. “What is the worst baby shower gift you received?” asked one Redditor on the Baby Bumps subreddit. The question seems to have hit close to home for many moms out there as they shared the weirdest and most inappropriate stuff they got to unpackage during their baby showers.


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread I got a kids size 10 shirt… like, one that a big kid could wear. We were really confused but said thank you and moved onto the next gift… the friend pulled me aside and apologized because he didn’t know anything about babies. We had a laugh about it and it’s still in my (almost) 4 year old’s closet. We have him put it on around his birthday every year and send a picture of him to our friend who gifted it to us. It’s tradition now lol

Gwenerfresh , Cristofer Maximilian Report

Bored Panda reached out to Tiffany Jenkins, the internet’s most loved content creator, best-selling author, wife, mother, and the author of her blog, “Juggling the Jenkins”. She has more than 5 million followers and counting on her Facebook page, and has been featured on national TV shows like The Today Show and The Doctors. Tiffany happily shared a couple of great ideas for baby shower gifts as well as some other insights into parenting.

When asked what is the best baby shower present a guest can bring, Tiffany said it’s hands-down diapers and wipes. “Babies go through an astronomical amount of diapers, having a stockpile of all different sizes ready to go is magical. There's nothing worse than going to grab a diaper when your baby has a blowout, and realizing that you're out. Taking a newborn to the store wrapped in a towel for diapers is always awkward,” she explained.


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread I was super excited to find a turquoise pottery barn crib on craigslist for $75!! Made a fb post and everything.

Well for my shower my BiL and SiL decided to buy me a crib! Not so bad, but when I opened it she goes "this is so that you don't have to use that street crib, cuz let's be honest, it's a street crib". In front of everyone!! I grew up on second hand items and it was such a slap in the face, I wanted to just cry

roxictoxy Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A cross…for my Jewish child. Yes, they knew.

Crumb_Princess , Sophia Sideri Report

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1998-mende-laura avatar
Laura Mende (Human)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mom had a friend who was Turkish. We are German. In their culture (she said) it is normal to gift a new baby a necklace or bracelet made of gold. It is lucky or something... We didn't know this tradition and mom was very confused when her friend showed up with jewelery for me, then 2 weeks old. I mean it's nice, the necklace got a big "L" on it and the bracelet spelt "Laura". But for my mom it was weird. She put it on me when we visited this particular friend and otherwise never. Now I'm thinking about selling it. I mean solid gold...!

culmone10 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's also a tradition in southern Italy. It's implied that they are meant to be sold if needed. Me and my brother got a lot of bracelets for our baptism and at some point my father got them melted in a chain necklace for him and a fancy bracelet for my mother.

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nubisknight avatar
Nubis Knight
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Am I strange cause I think it's nice to get a halfmoon or David's Star for my Christian child? Wouldn't have a problem there (catholic lady here, but I also think catholic church in Germany sucks. )

angelikaarman avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are not strange, these people see this as a war of religions. In Europe, where we have a much more relaxed attitude, we can see this as an offering in the sense of diversity.

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sdeveno12 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes a weird gift for a baby shower, especially if you knew something off about them anyway.... That being said, my dad received a cross from his muslim buddy when he visited home. Then my girls parents knowing I don't believe in anything brought me some idol from Jerusalem. I always just see it as a nod of good faith and that person just sharing what they think is special to them would be like special to others. Not done maliciously. But then again sometimes it is meant that way. All about the situation

optimusprime422 avatar
Gary Gultz
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Then have a jeweler melt it down and shape it into a Star of David. Problem solved.

angelikaarman avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Exactly. Melt it, sell it, give it to somebody else...Just don't start a war

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delphinum4 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And... they would be getting hanukkah cards for all their future Christmases.

vilem-marak avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

vampires. don't know if the star of david keeps em away, but this there's your answer. it's to keep vampires out.

hard2guesss avatar
Bender Bending Rodríguez
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I show a vampire movie when I was a kid. I don't remember the name of the movie but what I remembered was in this one scene. Vampire's to-be victim holds up a cross to ward off the vampire and vampire goes "We aren't afraid of what we don't believe in." because vampire followed different religion before turning. Anyways long story short my mind was blown and I was shitting my pants thinking what to do during vampire attack from then on. Until then I always thought making cross (I am not Christian) will rid you for vampires. Something to keep in mind if you come across non-Christian vampire is, You can never go wrong with stake.

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christinejemison avatar
Christine Jemison
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That was just mean!!! I'm not of the Jewish faith and know better. If the person didn't know what to get the baby they should have asked😳😳😳😳😳

iseektheunvanquishedtruth avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I got a cross necklace for Christmas, regifted it since I don't wear necklaces, then got chewed out because the necklace was (unbeknownst to me) made with real gold and very expensive.

katejones_1 avatar
Kate Jones
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't understand what it is in some religious people that makes them have this need to try and push it on others. Just be happy that you found your 'truth' and that it enriches your own life. What did she hope to accomplish by doing something so rude? I'm an atheist and don't talk about it at all because it's not appropriate. But a woman I know at work knew because she knew my family personally (we weren't close. She just knew my mom from a job they worked together years prior. So it wasn't like this was just talk between friends). She kept sending me emails about finding God and every conversation we had she had to throw some dig in about how I need to have faith and people who don't have been abused in some way. She would ask me what happened to me. I finally had to take it to management. I just don't get it. And these people always act like they're just trying to help but it's in the same way that guys think they're 'helping' by hitting on you even after you asked them to stop. It's something that's trying to be forced on me even after saying no thank you. Then they act like you're the wrong one.

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago

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you're the only one to see the issue. Everyone is like "what's weird giving a gold necklace to a baby." That's not the issue. We don't wear crosses or believe in Jesus. It's highly offensive.

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dc1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Children are not christians, but neither jews. They happen to have parents that are - and may become later. But that is, finally, their choice once they're old enough to understand. TBC, no problem with Jews or Christians or anyone else, minus extremists.

sofiamurat avatar
Sofia Murat
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2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was born a relative of mine didn't know what religion I'd choose so she got be a golden cross and some Islamic eye like necklace, I'm not too religious si neither came in handy, but the toy dog she got me that year lasted for twelve years.

silverskycloud avatar
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2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hate to be materialistic here but depending on what its made of it could come in handy, if they needed a little bit of extra money they can sell it at a p**n shop edit ffs bp i typed P.A.W.N!!!

ralphwatkins_1 avatar
Ralph Watkins
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You need to buy your child a Star of David. Let her keep the cross. If they get into a bad situation, they can switch them out. What? The cross repels vampires. The star doesn't except for in Mel Brooks movies.

ashlee_e13 avatar
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be fair, your child isn’t jewish. You are. You just want them to be.

simon_dierdorp avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How is your child jewish? has the child have been given the posibility to choose yet?

melissa_gallo avatar
Melissa Gallo
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've seen a Hamsa hand being given to a Catholic child on their baptism.. the couple who gifted it said it was for protection

hskov1 avatar
Herb Skovronek
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gotta say I've mellowed over the years. I am Jewish, but I've [really] learned to accept gifts when given from the heart-any denomination.

elisekrentzel avatar
Elise Krentzel
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m telling you that would’ve happened to me had I not been so brazenly overt about the fact that my son was being circumcised. I actually alerted my ex in-laws by email because I know they were going to make a comment. SMH. divorce them!

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am genuinely curious. Please enlighten me. Why are all the comments discussing the offense of this getting downvoted?

shalinipabreja avatar
Shalini Pabreja
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In India, people give cash or jewellery as an investment into the child’s future. It could be a tiny silver bracelet with bells on it, silver feeding utensils since they are sterile, or a silver rattle. Parents can sell these items at a later date for school fees, etc. practical, yet pretty!

marcoconti avatar
Marco Conti
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gold is supple and malleable. Easy to reshape into a little hand flipping the bird and regift back.

bobbygoodson avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And now you know they don't need to be part of your life

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why are all the comments about how offensive this is are getting downvoted? This is a hugely offensive gift.

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel like everyone is missing the point. It's not the necklace is that Jews don't believe in Jesus. Our symbol is not the cross. It's offensive and no Jew would wear one. It's the equivalent of giving a Christian a Star of David or a Muslim a cross. It's not our symbol. It's a really offensive gift.

confred78 avatar
Marlowe Fitzpatrik
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly - I'd love a Star of David or a Halfmoon! But if it's offensive, that's not okay. I didn't know it's really such an issue instead of a "whoops". I would probably feel a bit self-conscious wearing a Star of David, though, because it feels to me that it would be more offensive to wear one if one isn't Jewish? But I find it much more pleasant than a cross.

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dontlook avatar
Don't Look
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I wonder which sect they come from that they thought this was subtle enough?

liddlecatpaws avatar
Jo Johannsen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I tried to think of circumstances under which this would be funny. Honestly, drew a blank.

mosheh_wolf avatar
Mosheh Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

An old Jewish man walks into a Jewelry store. He tells the clerk that he and his wife were about to celebrate their 50th anniversary, and he would like something gold. The clueless clerk pulls out a selection of crucifixes. The man picks one up and asks how much it would cost. The clerk tells him that it would be $1,800. The man asks, "how much would it be without the acrobat?".

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is funny!! All my comments have been downvoted for addressing how offensive this gift is and how this reeks of antisemitism. This whole thread is disgusting.

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login0telefon avatar
Lilith the Demon Panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

can you f*****g Jews just stop whining for once for f**k's sake??? they gave something that had meaning to them, like a lucky charm or something, sharing their culture, but you idiots just keep playing victims all the time...

dietlemnsnapple avatar
Amy Cohen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Because we are? Proportionally we're the top hate crime victims in the country but no one reports it.

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shaynameidela avatar
Dorothy Parker
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2 years ago

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Such an act of hostility. A supposed friend of my daughter at college gave her a cross necklace, well-knowing we're Jewish.

beverlyhasegawa_1 avatar
Beverly Hasegawa
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2 years ago

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I can't imagine why you are getting downvoted. Actually I can, which is depressing. I only hope they're coming from people who are too young and inexperienced to know better.

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catrinwatts avatar
Mam cymraeg
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2 years ago

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Wow that's so wrong it is a slap in the face to the moon it says my religion is better than yours thematic person is no friend

itisdarkestbeforedawn78 avatar
kimwimgoddess avatar
kim morris
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2 years ago

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I'm Christian, Episcopalian. I would NEVER have done anything like this. Sounds like a selfish person. Sounds like an a*****e. Does not sound like a Christian at all.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A giant bag of sexist girl clothes from Target from my MIL, after we specifically had a discussion about how much we hate sexist baby clothes and will never put our daughter in anything like that. We tried to return them but they were so deeply discounted Target couldn’t even take them back. They all went straight to Goodwill.

SummitTheDog303 , Kelly Report

Another great idea to bring to the baby shower is baby clothes in larger sizes. “My babies grew like weeds and would only get to wear an outfit a handful of times before it became too tight,” Tiffany said and added that “Having new clothes in bigger sizes already in the closet is incredibly helpful.”


“ZIPPER pajamas,” Tiffany added to her go-to baby shower gift list. However, it should never be snap-button pajamas. “I learned this the hard way. Waking up exhausted at 3:00 am to change a diaper is hard enough... Trying to snap 64 buttons back together while your kid thrashes around like a baby alligator is like the eighteenth level of 'Jumanji,’” she told us.


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread My MIL gave me this beautiful "sleeping bag" that was handmade and my SO used it when he was a baby so it actually ment a lot to me cause we dont really have the best relationship. The day after my baby shower she told me she wanted it back and I can borrow it from her if I wanted to use it. felt very awkward about it because I told everyone of this lovely present...

Greedy-Dot6333 , Jim Champion Report

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finskilad avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's one awful MIL. I want to know what your husband said to his mom about it.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread First baby... A card from my sister in law, pretty much saying I'm not ready to be a parent and that she hopes i "don't damage the child." It came with the "What To Expect," book series for birth through age 5. Lol. Also... She spent the entire party ragging on me to everybody. I had met her once prior to this. She was excused

OkStop248 , cottonbro Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread MIL had a shower with all her friends and gave me the presents afterwards. I wasnt even invited

Kampus Production Report

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hollylong321 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have heard of this before. It's a bit odd, but generally just celebrating a friend becoming a grandmother. In the times I have seen it, usually the friends don't really know the mother to be, and it is just an excuse for friends to socialize and have fun.

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For those guests who are in for a splurge for the expecting mom, the best expensive gift is a gift card. “Sometimes moms don't realize what they need until they are already knee-deep in motherhood, remembering you have a gift card to use for it is a huge relief later on.”

Although according to Tiffany, any gift is a nice gift, there are a few that aren't the best, if she’s being honest. “A baby drum set, for example—is not a fun time for the mom. Toys that make a lot of noise or take up a lot of space aren't the greatest. Definitely don't get her a gift certificate to a gym, and I'd skip the lingerie.”


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread My husbands family thought it would be funny to give me a box of condoms, this was a shower for our second son. I was NOT pleased as a 38week pregnant woman. 1 because sex was the last thing on my list, and 2 how tacky and rude can you be. Oddly enough nobody fessed up to who brought the gift when I asked? I know my face indicated I would be murdering whoever it was.

madommouselfefe , robertelyov Report

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mistralok avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Blow them up as balloons for his first birthday party and make sure to invite them all.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A gift set of baby medicine that all expired before she was born

TexanButNotAFundie , photograph by Zoologist diz Report

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bp_10 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why would you even give baby medicines as a baby shower gift? You get them for free from your health care insurance if they really need medication.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread Fisher Price Rockn'Play bassinett...we got lucky but the headlines were so true. After I told the gift giver about the near deadly encounter with our newborn, she became annoyed that we returned it through the recall claim. We're no longer friends.

FerrahBach , Heidi Report

When asked whether guests are always expected to bring in a gift, Tiffany said that there is definitely an expectation to bring a gift, “since that's pretty much the main purpose for a baby shower.” She added that “I do think some people just enjoy being around others and feeling like the center of attention for a day as well. I wrote on my invitation that they didn't have to bring gifts, I just wanted to celebrate. They brought gifts anyway, of course.”


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread My mother in law got us an ugly bookshelf after asking us if we had one and after we told her we did (and had it all set up in our small nursery). She also got us a wipe warmer after she knew that we were against using one (don’t need babe getting used to warm wipes when we are on the go so frequently). She then made a loud comment about how this other babe in the fam is probably much more protected from Covid because of all the breastfeeding (and I’m vaxed AND freshly boosted). She knows we’re not breastfeeding and just took it as a chance to give a jab. I made up for it though - after opening all of the gifts at the shower I proudly announced and thanked my mom for giving us the best gift of all - several weeks of sleep (via a night nurse). Everything she does is deliberate - but two can play the game.

FaveStarsGrateBard , InnocentBystander Report

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raroararoa avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A wipe warmer!? You've got be kidding me. I can't even believe such a thing exists.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread So when my son was born, my brother in law gave me a card. When I read the card, he wrote that he bought 2 football game tickets. One for him and one for my husband…… And he got me, the one who had a baby in her belly for roughly 10 months absolutely nothing.

MotorVirtual , Pixel-Sepp Report

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pixie420 avatar
J. Normal
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cute that Dad got thought of, but in general it would have been even nicer to give a gift to both ( football tickets for Dad and a day of babysitting for Mom). When I had my Son the only gift I got was a diaper service for 1 month. Everything else was 100% geared towards the baby.

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Moreover, Tiffany said that she’s noticed lots of her friends doing "virtual" baby showers nowadays, “which is cool. They put out their 'wishlist' on social media a few weeks ahead, then on baby shower day, they go live and open the gifts.”

“I think moms feel like they need a ton of gadgets and contraptions and baby furniture and the latest carseat in order to bring a baby into the world,” she said and added that “The truth is, babies don't need nearly as much as we initially think. All they really need is food, a place to sleep, something to catch their poop, and love. The rest is just a bonus!”


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread My own mother gave me a notebook for my baby shower that was supposed to be filled with supportive messages from people who attended. Except that her own message was so scathing and pretty much just repeated in different ways how much I was going to struggle as a mother. I got good mileage out of passing it around and laughing at it with my husband's family, who are well aware of how insane my parents are

AmiableOstrich , Liza Summer Report

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bp_10 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As long as they know that their parents are insane, there's nothing that the parents can do or say that will hurt or upset them.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A onesie that said “they did not stay 6 feet apart”

oddreyshae , Heather Heithus Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread My sister got me a random basket from target that says "Baby" on it with a target grocery bag with random baby goods like wipes and such ._. Not wrapped or anything. The gift itself wasn't so bad but then my mom went on a 15 minute speech about how beautiful her gift is and how wonderful my sister was to take the time to make me a beautiful basket despite her busy schedule.

They came to the baby shower for a full 10 minutes, complained about the party, my sister only talked about herself and her pregnancies and how much she had it worse than me.. asked how much I weighed and tried to compare. then left. I was glad they left before other people showed up.

jaeunlee17 , Report

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bp_10 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't get why OP let them stay for 10 minutes. She should have thrown them out after 5.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A box of uncooked pasta and girl stuff ....FYI I don't know if its a boy or girl and made that clear to everyone that the gender is a surprise.....and the pasta i can't even explain

OkToots , maxpixel Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A “my first 5 years” memory book, with a kids name already in it and the “when we found out we were expecting” says Thanksgiving 2013

purpleorchid729 , Amazon Customer Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread Not me but my SIL received a “time out chair” from a relative when she had her first. It was a children’s rocking chair with a clock imbedded in it and lots of s**tty sayings on it like “you have to think about what you did” and creepy stuff like that. Also it was clearly for an older child and not a newborn. We all had a good laugh about it after then donated it.

beccajo22 , Wmpearl Report

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kailitva avatar
Kai David
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing like a new coat of paint in primary colours to give it a new purpose.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A dirty teddy bear that smelled like cigarettes. When we called for the story, thinking maybe it was a childhood toy that had been saved, he said “ohh no, I just found that at the thrift store”

riastiltskin Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread Used and open items. came from my SIL’s brother in law and his wife. I am all for hand-me-downs, but containers of baby power and butt cream that are half used, as their present…lmao. Oh, and it was all packed in a dirty, used diaper backpack.

Saassy11 , NewHB Report

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franziska-birk avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

why do you get gifts from the bil of your own sil? sil is the sister of your partner or the partner of your sibling. so the bil of sil is even one more away? i don't even know the sil of my sil (sister of the partner of my bf's sister :D)

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My friend’s BIL got them a giant abstract painting meant to personify the terror of a nightmare for their nursery….it was literally the scariest thing I’ve ever seen and he was not at all kidding. He really didn’t get why it freaked them out…

maggiep122 Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A onesie that says "every dog needs a baby" and I have two cats. Zero dogs.

sjrj1717 , Stephanie Anderson Report


I have a pretty “crunchy” friend who marked a bunch of stuff as purchased on my registry and then gifted “natural” versions of the items…I have to think it was just her being thoughtful (as in, she was thinking she got the “better” version of the thing I registered for) but a lot of the stuff she got is just packed with essential oils. I also put a good amount of research into the items I wanted so it was just kind of annoying and I don’t really believe in herbal tinctures or organic always being better. I just want diaper cream and soaps/lotions/nipple cream that works! Oh and a lot of it wasn’t returnable.

schmydd Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My best friend got me a 50 cent machine ducky and five dollars. I wasn’t upset until she asked for the $5 back for gas money.

anon Report

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saragregory0508 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This story is missing the word "former". As in "former best friend" - if this is a blip in behaviour, I'd ask her if she was ok, but if it's a pattern, she needs more than $5 to drive far, far away from me

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A dog toy that I’m fairly certain had been used (no tags, and there was a stain).

sdm4242 , MsMary Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A homemade blanket with a sewing needle stuck inside it that we discovered when baby was a few months old.

thenopealope , Dmeranda Report


An absolutely hideous baby onesie dress in black, bedazzled with the words “My First Little Black Dress” in pink.

I think I threw it in the garbage instead of donating it.

piefelicia4 Report


A thing to hang on the wall of the baby’s room that was covered in ribbon strung with loose beads. Nothing was knotted or secured in any way. Several beads fell off as I lifted it out of the box. So… they gave me a choking hazard for my baby

booksandcheesedip Report

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lsgm2fw avatar
Zoe's Mom
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People who don't have children in their lives sometimes don't understand. They see something and think it might be something nice for the kids room without thinking of repercussions.

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MULTIPLE pillows for the tooth fairy. Like, what?? And they were shaped like teeth or had a pocket shaped like a tooth, no denying that they were designed as tooth fairy pillows.

Not offensive, just hilarious.

goldenpixels Report


Those puff snacks that expired before the baby was going to be old enough to eat them.

PeterCarpet Report


a box of smoke infused dirty books

we seriously left them in the garage they reeked of smoke so much.

amerikanishma Report

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wj_vaughan avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think smokers just don’t realise how much the smoke gets through to everything if they smoke in their home. My mum smokes and every time she gives me something I have to wipe it down, air it or wash it.

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My grandma got me a can of beans and canned enchilada sauce... pretty sure they were from her pantry and they were like 10 years old.

turtchel Report

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raroararoa avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unless Grandma is always stingy, I'd like to say Grandma did her best. Be kind.

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread Got a onesie from someone that said “best younger sister” when I’m a FTM with only one baby. I gave the onesie away.

Gloomy_Cow_3643 Report

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angelanagel avatar
Yoga Kitty
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I assume it was second hand and the fabric was still okay? People are giving an awful lot of clothes away for stupid reasons. It is not that the saying was offensive or anything, it just does not fit (same as the one with the dog). Is it really that important? The baby will grow out of it in a matter of weeks! Be glad that you have another set of clothes to change the small one into after a carrot or spinach accident and be done with it...

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A pink Sonicare electric toothbrush, for my newborn son.

renchcoatweasel , Regina Report

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katrina_2 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Pink is the new blue. Plus it's a toothbrush. Let him decide if he wants it

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread Just got an activity book for 7-11 year olds from my sister. She reserved an age appropriate activity mat from my registry, but it was out of stock so she got me the book.

somewhatsustainable , North Canterbury Books Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A bathroom mat-sized gray faux fur rug. The gift giver swears it’s a baby blanket/wrap of some sort. It’s currently on our bathroom floor. Because no receipt

jennap224 , Kira Shuntel Report


An enormous plush covered dinosaur that moves its head, opens and closes its eyes, and makes dinosaur noises. It comes up to my waist, and my toddler can sit on it.

0runnergirl0 Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

honestly that sounds awesome for the kid. The parents may not appreciate the noise

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35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A giant 6 foot wide activity play mat/carpet thing. We live in a tiny NYC apartment and have no where near 6 feet of open floor, unless we wanted to swap out our living room carpet for a foam play mat

StrictAssumption4949 , Donnie Ray Jones Report

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wendillon avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We did that with the youngest of my siblings. He was clumsy so we just covered the whole living room with that alphabet play mat for a few months. Worked like a charm.

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My husband's aunt mailed us a box of baby things. All of it was Normal and helpful (which surprised me) but then I got to the bottom of the box and found some cheap lingerie and sexy time lotion.

bugslife707 Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread A premium silk blanket that my mil kept wanting to put on my newborn, or under baby’s head. It’s not breathable at all

Cultural_Spinach_322 , Marco Verch Report


A bath tub. Literally received 4 even though registry said a tub was already bought people must have not paid to much attention to that.

xo_snflwr Report


Disposable diapers after I made sure everyone knew that we would be using cloth

a_million_questions Report

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jyrihakola avatar
Jyri Hakola
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They probably knew that. And also they probably knew that after few sleeples weeks idealism tends to dissolve to realism and it's handy if help is near..

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My mom gifted me a wearable blanket in size 5T, in response to being told no when she wanted to get our newborn a comforter and a pillow.

m_owom Report

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marshafredell avatar
Lovin' Life
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I guess I'm different. I have never told anyone no to any gift or been ungrateful because I didnt like it. Take it , give thanks for it and give it to someone who needs it. I could never hurt anyone's feelings over a gift. Maybe that's just me.

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One of those kids battery operated cars: would have been a great gift for an older toddler, but was not appropriate for a baby shower and now we have to store it forever.

peppercornn Report


35 Moms Share The Worst Baby Shower Gifts They Ever Got In This Honest Online Thread From my husbands aunt and uncle:

a onesie that said “made in quarantine”

It just made me so uncomfortable

SignatureApril , Natalie Pesak Report