We all had terrible days. Hell, we had some terrible weeks, but this woman probably takes the cake with how unlucky she got. Imgur user onewomanriot recently shared a story about the misfortunes that plagued her first week of May. From sustaining a serious injury, to fighting home intruders, the woman had one punch after another thrown at her by the universe. The upside to her story? She managed to pull through with a smile on her face, showing that as long as you keep it positive, you can survive anything life throws at you.

She also happily noted that she’s getting a permanent tooth on the 29th of this month. Scroll down below and read about this woman’s terrible week. “I’m still waiting for the doctor’s go-ahead to drink again, but I’m glad that nothing worse happened,” she told Bored Panda. After reading everyone’s responses the woman was happy that she managed to inspire somebody and spread positivity. “I’m glad that so many people were inspired by my positivity. I figure I could have laughed, cried, or been angry and defeated, but laughing just feels better, so it was an easy choice” she said. Scroll down below and read about this woman’s terrible week.


More info: Imgur

Imgur user onewomanriot recently shared a story about the troubles that plagued her the first week of May

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Day 2

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Day 3

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Day 4

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Day 5 and she’s still smiling!

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

Day 8

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her


 UPDATE: She got a new (plastic) tooth!

But things didn’t end there

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her

After all that happened here’s what she had to say

Woman Drinks 3 Glasses Of Wine At A Work Event, And Things Escalate So Wrong The Whole Internet Is Feeling Sorry For Her