Mansplainers are employers, teachers, doctors, co-workers to women.

Also, please mansplain why women earn 70% of what their male co-workers earn?


We men want women!
We have no idea how to get women, so mansplaining is our best guess, we try things!



Mansplination of mansplaining: There are differences between males and females with how we process information - it is part biology, part environment (cultural conditioning). When men do it - it’s because they are a) misogynistic POSs, b) totally insecure emotionally, c) just EQ stupid and never consider how to effectively communicate with those who may process information very differently. The first two are exclusively up to men to get over themselves and cut the horse$4!7. The last, is still an individual man’s responsibility to figure it out, but his mind, eyes and ears can be opened (and mouth shut lol) with enough patience and true social dialogue.


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