Gossip is fun, but some take it too far. What's your story?


I’ve been bullied at like every point in my life. Preschool, daycare, elementary school, summer camp, middle school, high school. I’ve been called countless horrible things, had fake friends who just wanted to get dirt on me, been laughed at when I just walking to class.

I’d say the worst was either when everyday for a few years I’d have people telling me I should kill myself, I don’t deserve to walk on this earth, no one would miss me if I died, etc. Or when the entire school (well, the entire grade) collectively decided to completely shun me and ignore my existence.

They both hurt, but after a while you get used to it. At first, I was just upset and wondered wtf I did wrong, but after some time, I just accepted it and moved on with my life. Since, I’ve spent my life being an advocate for spreading kindness and attempting to be the best version of myself I can. Nothing makes people madder than you being kind and having them see you’re doing way better than they are.


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I was called f***t! Wanted to punch them but I slapped them instead and didn't get in trouble but neither did the guy who called we that


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My dad told my brother (I’m a female) that he shouldn’t play with me because boys are “stronger”. He said that my brother could “seriously hurt a woman” . I was ten when that happened.


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I had a family member who thought it would be okay to molest me from the time I was 9-14 years old. After his wife died (who was actually my aunt) I filled out a lot of magazine subscription requests to be sent his way. Each of them were being sent to I.M. A*s**** but of course, I filled out the entire word.


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I lived with a narcissist and the things that came out of his mouth were staggering. One time he called me fat (which I am, but I’ll also accept PHAT, curvaceous or voluptuous) I starred at him, asking him to repeat what he had just said, and he did, adding “What? You call yourself that?” I exclaimed that no one - on any planet in this galaxy or any other - is allowed to comment on a women’s body, completely unsolicited - especially a male of the species. He was insanely toxic. He has since dried. Oh what a shame.


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See Also on Bored Panda

Waitress didn’t like me she took my fork said it was dirty and came back with the same fork in 15 minutes


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