WatchCut Video released another episode of their 100 years of beauty series, which is all about black men hairstyles. As I looked at the images I realized none of these styles are actually gone: they can all be found in our modern society. Just without the hats and the segregation.

More info:

1920s hairstyle is definitely among the popular haircuts today

The 1940s came with extra short, military cuts, as men were heading to war

However, in the 1950s men were having fun with their hair

Who can forget this iconic image of the 1970s?

1980s hairstyles were inspired by Jean-Michel Basquia’s crazy hair, which is still a trendy look

The flat top came from the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, in the 1990s

Millennials will take this 2010s inspiration as very vintage, but we know better, right?


Nowadays, men are sporting all hairstyles, so vintage is not so vintage anymore!