At a time of all this panic, and insane bills that threaten immigrants fleeing from war-torn countries and being stripped of their families, it’s important to remember our roots!

The video (posted below) that I found, led me back to a great piece about Ellis Island. And, how so many migrants fled their homes and built new ones within America. Read the full article if you’re still itching to learn more like I was!


For many, the journey that brought them under the watchful gaze of the Statue of Liberty was often a difficult one; some fled tyranny and oppression, others impoverished conditions, but all came to America hoping for a better life for them and their loved ones.

More info:

The road was not always an easy one for the country’s future citizens.

But, the stories that continued to grow with each ferry crossing the waters of Upper New York Bay are a historical reminder of why the United States means so much to Americans.

Leaving the homes from war, violence, or religious persecution…

During peak times, 5,000 immigrants daily were being processed. On a record-setting day, 11,747 people were processed (April 17, 1907).

This is what makes North America so diverse with culture and beauty


In the early 1900s millions of immigrants from around the globe were setting off for America, arriving from countries like Austria, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Japan, the West Indies, Greece and Mexico. In 1907 alone 1.25 million immigrants were processed on the island

Watch the full story here, and let’s keep making things great!