I’ll show you some interesting creatures and plants that you can find if you take the time to explore the vast rolling hills and mountains in a mostly wild forest of beauty. Some creatures and plants are not that easy to find if one only hurries along. When you think you’re all alone just stop, intake a deep breath of cool clean air then look closely all around you, soon enough you will realize you aren’t actually alone at all. I will be documenting and taking more pictures of these hidden (sometimes not so hidden) wonderful creatures, plants and maybe scenery as I adventure into the Appalachian Mountains. Many people do not realize that this mountain range is of the oldest ranges in the entire world. Hidden amongst us is a treasure so old and wondrous many of us never take the time to just enjoy and ponder what is hidden right in front of us. Please enjoy!

A Curious Fellow, BUT Don’t Touch if Yellow!

Just Look Under the Foliage of Low Growing Plants, You Might Find Me there

Common Enough, but Beautiful None the Less

Honey Bee Doing His Job….Maybe Some Honey for YOU!


Can you see me? I am right next to you! Where? What? Who? Here…I am helping eat bugs off your plants. I am out here all the time doing the job you cannot do! The great Praying Mantid “Mantis”. Perfect camouflage and oh did I forget to say they fly pretty darn well too. However, many people do not know that out of one egg cocoon thousands of babies are hatched, but rarely do more than six make it to adulthood. Why you ask? Well the babies need to eat something to sustain them and in this game it is kill or be killed. Also very territorial usually one male and one female will work an area side by side that is until the female gets tired of the pesky male being around.

Can you see me? I am right next to you! Where? What? Who? Here…I am helping eat bugs off your plants. I am out here all the time doing the job you cannot do! The great Praying Mantid “Mantis”. Perfect camouflage and oh did I forget to say they fly pretty darn well too. However, many people do not know that out of one egg cocoon thousands of babies are hatched, but rarely do more than six make it to adulthood. Why you ask? Well the babies need to eat something to sustain them and in this game it is kill or be killed. Also very territorial usually one male and one female will work an area side by side that is until the female gets tired of the pesky male being around.


This sight is sometimes a sign of a hot summer to come. The moth of all moths, Luna is its name. They are truly a rare sight to witness. This one was outside on the siding of my house one morning…as I was leaving I found I could not but be late for work for I was mesmerized by its sight.

Do you know that most snakes you might find in the Appalachians are not known to be poisonous or deadly? Oh certainly there many dangerous snakes, but typically the ones you may find aren’t those kinds. Most dangerous snakes found in the Appalachians give off a sound or have brighter colors. If you search for them you still would have a hard time finding them. This guy is what I believe to be a King Rat Snake. He was five feet long and tried to scare me with his vibrating tail which caused me to pause just long enough to make sure I wasn’t dealing with one of “those” guys mentioned above. I know many people do not like snakes, but they are an important part of our eco system and should be left alone to do their jobs.


It’s a branch! Nope, it’s a snake weaving its way towards a bird’s nest for its lunch….fresh eggs!

Can you see me? The secretive wild Grouse is a large ground feeding bird with the perfect camouflage. A favorite game bird for hunters, but often not seen in the wild. Mostly discovered when they make a loud drum beat sound almost like a wood pecker, but much deeper bass in tone. I was fortunate enough to spot this guy right outside my kitchen window one morning. How nice it was too, for I had not ever seen one before this.

Can you see me? The secretive wild Grouse is a large ground feeding bird with the perfect camouflage. A favorite game bird for hunters, but often not seen in the wild. Mostly discovered when they make a loud drum beat sound almost like a wood pecker, but much deeper bass in tone. I was fortunate enough to spot this guy right outside my kitchen window one morning. How nice it was too, for I had not ever seen one before this.


My most endearing, cutest little garden friends ever! These guys are little enough, but do they make the loudest racket when mating season begins. Such as that it is the sound of the forest night and day that makes this guy my favorite creature of the Appalachians. The tiny Tree Frog that can change color at will and blend in perfectly on any plant or tree branch. In order to find them one must quietly follow their loud sound and search very carefully. They have very sticky little toes to help them cling to branches very well. This guy was near my water garden and as I was bending down to pull out some weeds there he was. We stared eye to eye not one of us moving. I was very lucky he didn’t jump because when these guys jump they can leap in bounds and strides. Quickly I fetched my camera and quietly maneuvered in close enough to make him say cheese!

A white tailed deer skimming the edges of the wooded forest for tasty leaves to munch. Spotted this little fawn early one morning.


One of the many cool mushrooms that instantly pop up after a cool summer rain. From a distance one might think this is a golf ball someone shot over your fence!

This mushroom is called Chicken of the Woods and is known to grow at the base of diseased or rotting trees mainly old oaks. It is perennial as long as there is still sustenance remaining in the ground where it grows from. It is said that they are edible and yes it’s supposed to taste like chicken, but I cannot confirm this only from what I was told ha!

Another one of those “Funguys” that grow here in the Appalachians. So many more have I found that I have yet to show.

The famous Orb Weaver Spider. Look closely do you see it’s mate? When the sun shines on its web you will transfixed into a daydream for it will sparkle and glimmer in a varying display of colors. Much like a rainbow especially if it is dense with morning dew. I left this family alone….something about spiders I guess ha!