Hi y’all, I’ve dealt with Karen’s, and I’m pretty sure you all have too! So I’d love to hear your Karen horror storie!


Some old lady who works at our local community center got all pissed off at my soccer team for using the center’s indoor public bathroom because “our cleats will ruin the floor”. Sure, cleats aren’t usually good for hard wood flooring but the ground of the center is stone/cement and I’ll tell u one thing that floor has seen much worse. So when we asked where else we were supposed to get ready for practice she said use the outdoor bathroom. Fun fact, that bathroom has the cleanliness of an outhouse and the toilets are always clogged (plus there’s never any toilet paper and the doors are usually jammed anyways so we couldn’t get in if we wanted to). So after a few weeks of us still using the indoor restroom she yelled at us and said she wanted to have a word with our coach. So she storms up to some other team’s coach on the soccer field (multiple teams practice there at once) and starts yelling at him. The poor guy has no idea what’s going on and looks totally lost and my teammates and I are just dying laughing trying to explain to her that he’s not our coach. She’s honestly the most annoying person I’ve ever met


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My grandma’s name is Karen, and she sure lives up to her name.

Countless times, i’ve had to calm her down and apologize for her to poor, underpaid employees at restaurants or stores. It’s exhausting.
the believes that if you work at a fast food restaurant you’re supposed to clean up the table, so she doesn’t bother gathering her trash, and I usually end up doing it.

Our local pizza hut hasn’t had dine-in available since covid, and my grandma keeps forgetting, or just not believing them. Finally, the lady said we could eat inside, we just didn’t have any dishes. Grandma said it was fine, so we ate in the dimly lit, dusty, dining room.
in the end she walked away leaving the table a mess, and no tip. I had to find one and put it on the table, next to a napkin with an apology


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