The Way This Vegan Reacted To A Subway Worker Telling Her That Mayonnaise Is Not Vegan Is Going Viral

Veganism is becoming increasingly common in affluent western societies, alongside a curiously heated discussion about its merits and the personal choices people make about their own diets. No matter what you may think about the subject, one has to admire the discipline, dedication and education that vegans possess when it comes to food and the worryingly influential industry that has grown around it, vegans have taken an admirable ethical stance in the fight for a more sustainable and kinder world.
However it would seem that not all vegans have taken the time to properly educate themselves about the limitations of their diet, and are simply jumping on the bandwagon. This short tale, told by Redditor Gresh66, is a perfect example of someone who appears to be a strict adherent to veganism on the outside, but doesn’t even know the most basic realities of food and where it comes from. Without this knowledge, the moral high ground that many ‘bandwagon’ vegans appear to crave is somewhat diminished, so please, try to learn as much as you possibly can to avoid the kind of surprise that this woman received!
Scroll down below to read the story for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments! (Cover image: digboston)
A Subway worker recently told of the time he taught a vegan that mayonnaise is not actually vegan
Image credits: Mike Mozart
Most people reacted with amusement to the story
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Yeah, I'm really tired of hearing long stories like this where people rattle off insults at each other just to prove a point.
Load More Replies...Yes exactly, it’s egg yokes! and I believe bread dough is made with eggs as well Lol. Subway is really not the place for a vegan, veggie sandwich or not. The worker may have changed gloves, but other gloves that touched meat that day already touched the lettuce, touched the tomatoes, touched the cucumber etc. It’s a vegan nightmare really.
Load More Replies...Not all bread has eggs in the recipe. In fact, most bread does not include eggs as an essential ingredient. "Real" French bread (baguette); most Italian and...well, a lot of bread does not use eggs. However, "real" mayo does include egg yolks (not whites). It also includes oil, most often olive oil if homemade, but also canola and other oils. Some of my vegan friends don't want canola or other oils for whatever reason. You have to know your foods if you chose a particular diet.
Seems to me, unless you're a vegan because you're highly allergic to animal products, then the gloves wouldn't matter anyway. I choose not to eat brussel sprouts but I won't not eat something else because it touched a brussel sprout. That's just saying "look at me, I'm special". I thought most chose to be vegans to protect the animals or because they believe the production of the animal products are an issue, so the gloves are irrelevant. If you're that highly against, you wouldn't even support a business that serves meat.
Also, unless you have allergies to meat(does that even exist) it doesn't hurt in the slightest to come into contact with it. Especially if it's through 3 different sources like that.
I know mayo has egg yolks, because I am allergic to eggs and can't eat it. When people like myself are allergic to eggs it's usually the yolks, also most bread does not have egg in it, so I can eat most of it. If it's a new bread or type I haven't heard of, I double check the ingredients to be certain. I do ask them to change their gloves when they make my food because eggs is not the only food allergy I have, if they have been in contact with something I'm allergic to, it's enough to send me out in an ambulance.
Though this has been mentioned already, just a short insight into baking - egg is a possible but not common ingredient in bread actually. Basic bread is just flour and water(and salt and spices if necessary) really, plus yeast/sourdough(sourdough in its essence also is just water and flour). Eggs are more common to add into pastries, I believe they kind of make the dough more "puffy"(like...light?) and alter taste a tad bit which is nice for those sweet pies, but they also make the resulting dough go stale much faster.
Bread CAN have egg in it but at its most basic form it’s flour, water, salt, a little sugar and yeast. BUT... the thing about that is: yeast is a living organism. It leavens bread by consuming the sugar and producing carbon dioxide as a byproduct which “inflates” the dough. When baked to set the structure, the yeast dies.
Cesi, I believe you were unecessarily rude. That's not what a decent person would say, regardless on the situation. Shame on you. Sarah, you're good, and you're right. I live in Brazil and we have at least 5 different breads, and I know it changes from country to country. Thanks for you research!
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@Sarah No most of the breads at Subway are not vegan. Simply not true.There’s only the flatbread and 3 others. And I said it is a nightmare there because there is a lot of cross contamination between meat and veggies. They use the same gloves for both. Duh! You not only can’t write, you can’t read very well either.
I've made homemade mayo and I put the whole egg in it. And oil and vinegar and that was it. It was delicious.
Being Vegan is a learning process, there is so much animal produce in things you would not think about.
Wait until they learn about pills. Most pills contain pig.
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Sorry no excuse. It's an egg not some hidden ingredient. I wish I could have been there to see the look on her face
Some people don't know, hamburger is cowmeat ! ( sometimes illegally mixed with horsemeat )
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Being Vegan is not a learning process...being Vegan is about being selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant. You can't avoid animal produce in daily life, and trying to do so generally brings more harm than good. Boycotting polymer notes because they contain a trace of tallow from their processing doesn't save a single cow because the cows are slaughtered for their meat and the tallow is a cheap byproduct made from boiling the carcasses. Replacing the tallow means using another hydrocarbon source which is either palm oil or fossil fuels. Being vegan is absolutely not about learning - it is the complete opposite...it is about selfish people making themselves feel better by hiding from reality.
That's as maybe, but the impulse to not want to harm any animals, surely that's not selfish? I'm an omnivore, personally, but I recognize that it's hard for many people to accept that their choices, no matter how empathetic, can have unexpected repercussions.
Nice that you shared information that might help less knowledgeable vegans. Not so nice you had to open with name calling. Your opening comment was selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant, as was your closing statement. The rest was actually informative.
Although meat consumption is still high, beef consumption is down 20% worldwide and projections now state that meat consumption will see rapid declines in the near future with many people switching to whole foods plant based diets. Reasoning behind this is that more and more people are getting tired of spending tons of money on healthcare and are starting to realize that Vegan and Vegetarian diets are more healthy than and omnivore diet. You assume that the reason behind people going vegan is to save the animals. Well my husband is vegan because he has Gout, High blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes. All of which he battled for years on an omnivore diet with no improvement. Since he's gone Vegan, no more gout attacks, steady blood sugar and normal blood pressure..and without medication either. So you may want to look in the mirror when you say selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant.
How about just letting people eat what they want and minding your own business?
And the tallow contained in every polymer banknote in the UK could be got from less than two cows, the amount is so infinitesimally small.
Let's be smart if everyone switched to vegan or governments passed laws that meat is murder as these idiots want every non milk producing cow would be slaughtered. You think farmers would keep hundreds of heads of cows as pets? No. You think cows could be let free to roam the prairies? No. You would only see a few cows in zoos. Not to mention a total meat free diet is bad for humans. Of course maybe we could get more women to agree to ingest male human created proteins.
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While they're at it, maybe vegans should stop listening to music because string instruments use catgut, or maybe they should stop drinking beer because isinglass is used to fine it....
Yeah, I'm really tired of hearing long stories like this where people rattle off insults at each other just to prove a point.
Load More Replies...Yes exactly, it’s egg yokes! and I believe bread dough is made with eggs as well Lol. Subway is really not the place for a vegan, veggie sandwich or not. The worker may have changed gloves, but other gloves that touched meat that day already touched the lettuce, touched the tomatoes, touched the cucumber etc. It’s a vegan nightmare really.
Load More Replies...Not all bread has eggs in the recipe. In fact, most bread does not include eggs as an essential ingredient. "Real" French bread (baguette); most Italian and...well, a lot of bread does not use eggs. However, "real" mayo does include egg yolks (not whites). It also includes oil, most often olive oil if homemade, but also canola and other oils. Some of my vegan friends don't want canola or other oils for whatever reason. You have to know your foods if you chose a particular diet.
Seems to me, unless you're a vegan because you're highly allergic to animal products, then the gloves wouldn't matter anyway. I choose not to eat brussel sprouts but I won't not eat something else because it touched a brussel sprout. That's just saying "look at me, I'm special". I thought most chose to be vegans to protect the animals or because they believe the production of the animal products are an issue, so the gloves are irrelevant. If you're that highly against, you wouldn't even support a business that serves meat.
Also, unless you have allergies to meat(does that even exist) it doesn't hurt in the slightest to come into contact with it. Especially if it's through 3 different sources like that.
I know mayo has egg yolks, because I am allergic to eggs and can't eat it. When people like myself are allergic to eggs it's usually the yolks, also most bread does not have egg in it, so I can eat most of it. If it's a new bread or type I haven't heard of, I double check the ingredients to be certain. I do ask them to change their gloves when they make my food because eggs is not the only food allergy I have, if they have been in contact with something I'm allergic to, it's enough to send me out in an ambulance.
Though this has been mentioned already, just a short insight into baking - egg is a possible but not common ingredient in bread actually. Basic bread is just flour and water(and salt and spices if necessary) really, plus yeast/sourdough(sourdough in its essence also is just water and flour). Eggs are more common to add into pastries, I believe they kind of make the dough more "puffy"(like...light?) and alter taste a tad bit which is nice for those sweet pies, but they also make the resulting dough go stale much faster.
Bread CAN have egg in it but at its most basic form it’s flour, water, salt, a little sugar and yeast. BUT... the thing about that is: yeast is a living organism. It leavens bread by consuming the sugar and producing carbon dioxide as a byproduct which “inflates” the dough. When baked to set the structure, the yeast dies.
Cesi, I believe you were unecessarily rude. That's not what a decent person would say, regardless on the situation. Shame on you. Sarah, you're good, and you're right. I live in Brazil and we have at least 5 different breads, and I know it changes from country to country. Thanks for you research!
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@Sarah No most of the breads at Subway are not vegan. Simply not true.There’s only the flatbread and 3 others. And I said it is a nightmare there because there is a lot of cross contamination between meat and veggies. They use the same gloves for both. Duh! You not only can’t write, you can’t read very well either.
I've made homemade mayo and I put the whole egg in it. And oil and vinegar and that was it. It was delicious.
Being Vegan is a learning process, there is so much animal produce in things you would not think about.
Wait until they learn about pills. Most pills contain pig.
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Sorry no excuse. It's an egg not some hidden ingredient. I wish I could have been there to see the look on her face
Some people don't know, hamburger is cowmeat ! ( sometimes illegally mixed with horsemeat )
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Being Vegan is not a learning process...being Vegan is about being selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant. You can't avoid animal produce in daily life, and trying to do so generally brings more harm than good. Boycotting polymer notes because they contain a trace of tallow from their processing doesn't save a single cow because the cows are slaughtered for their meat and the tallow is a cheap byproduct made from boiling the carcasses. Replacing the tallow means using another hydrocarbon source which is either palm oil or fossil fuels. Being vegan is absolutely not about learning - it is the complete opposite...it is about selfish people making themselves feel better by hiding from reality.
That's as maybe, but the impulse to not want to harm any animals, surely that's not selfish? I'm an omnivore, personally, but I recognize that it's hard for many people to accept that their choices, no matter how empathetic, can have unexpected repercussions.
Nice that you shared information that might help less knowledgeable vegans. Not so nice you had to open with name calling. Your opening comment was selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant, as was your closing statement. The rest was actually informative.
Although meat consumption is still high, beef consumption is down 20% worldwide and projections now state that meat consumption will see rapid declines in the near future with many people switching to whole foods plant based diets. Reasoning behind this is that more and more people are getting tired of spending tons of money on healthcare and are starting to realize that Vegan and Vegetarian diets are more healthy than and omnivore diet. You assume that the reason behind people going vegan is to save the animals. Well my husband is vegan because he has Gout, High blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes. All of which he battled for years on an omnivore diet with no improvement. Since he's gone Vegan, no more gout attacks, steady blood sugar and normal blood pressure..and without medication either. So you may want to look in the mirror when you say selfish, self-indulgent and ignorant.
How about just letting people eat what they want and minding your own business?
And the tallow contained in every polymer banknote in the UK could be got from less than two cows, the amount is so infinitesimally small.
Let's be smart if everyone switched to vegan or governments passed laws that meat is murder as these idiots want every non milk producing cow would be slaughtered. You think farmers would keep hundreds of heads of cows as pets? No. You think cows could be let free to roam the prairies? No. You would only see a few cows in zoos. Not to mention a total meat free diet is bad for humans. Of course maybe we could get more women to agree to ingest male human created proteins.
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While they're at it, maybe vegans should stop listening to music because string instruments use catgut, or maybe they should stop drinking beer because isinglass is used to fine it....