Woman's beauty standards. Over the years, the beauty standards have changed. I am in middle school and I have seen the clothing choices and here are the past and current ones. Now, it's popular to have nice, long hair. You wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you "dress like a boy". You wear a skirt or a dress and you're too "girly" or you have "hairy legs". You wear a crop top or shorts, you showed too much skin. At the time, at my middle school it is popular to wear pajama pants and a sweatshirt. Crocs are popular but you can't wear too many charms or you're "weird". I cut my hair short last year and I was called a "boy" or I was called transgender. I wore shorts a lot and I was told that I should shave my legs. I was told I had a flat chest and that I should cover up more. I was depressed for a while and I would always wear a hood or a hat. I enjoy wearing bucket hats and I've been bullied by my "friends" and random people because of it. People grab my hat and throw it on the ground and sometimes people take it and wear it for a whole class. I come home crying because of these people. I refuse to shave because I was made the way I am and I won't change my body. Middle school is the worst. Come on Pandas! It's your choice. Follow these standards or change them. The choice is yours.