Having battled depression for many years, my paraplegic wife went through ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) to help. This was a little over two years ago, and she didn’t know how to knit beforehand. Rose had some skills in crochet, and went to school for graphic design and photography, but knitting was a completely foreign skill and art, but she wanted to try.
She began learning knitting and practicing a few months before the ECT, but as she began her ECT sessions, and to the doctor’s and everyone’s surprise, she continued, and got better, and better.

ECT therapy is known to impact memories, personality, and is literally a “shock” to the brain, causing a strong impact to the short and some long term memory. To learn a new skill whilst in the midst of this 3-month process of 2 sessions a week seemed ludicrous to most people, and some doctors have exclaimed that is should be impossible. But her work is astounding.

Over a period of a just a few years, Rose has become an amazing artist in knitting and design, publishing original works and patterns, and even opening her own ETSY shoppe, VibrantFiberArt.

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