my name is magic mikey. i am a senior,who was adopted by two seniors, the female is the one whose shoulder i am borrowing. my life was really bad before my humans adopted me.

now…i am the king! and they serve me well.

i plucked most of my feathers pre-mom and dad, and my experiences have left me nervous and confused(sorta like the female of my two humans).i also cannot fly. i accept them the way the are and of course they accept me…who wouldn’t.

none of us are perfect, in fact our flaws are what set us blissfully apart. so, humans out there, if you desire an avian companion, or any other creature to serve,

please adopt…older handicapped as i am. or whatever.

i look forward to seeing you!

you can find us on facebook:

or on twitter:

or my blog:

and also:

a shoulder that keeps getting older

a painting mommy did of me

live long and prosper