Fairytale-like love stories are definitely a guilty pleasure for many. Here’s one you won’t even feel guilty for enjoying. A simple heartwarming story in combination with a unique type of illustration – this is what makes the internet a better place.

A talented Ukrainian artist Andy Ivanov created a touching mermaid story called “May, the Mermaid of Lily Lake” that has quickly become a hit on the internet. He captivated the attention of his over 200,000 followers by sharing one piece of the beautiful story at a time, leaving thousands of people holding their breath until the next episode. In addition to artistic storytelling, exquisite digital artwork is very eye-pleasing.

In the context of the recent quarrel between devoted fans of the iconic “The Little Mermaid” about the casting choices for the live-action remake and harsh discussions on whether Ariel should be black or white, this artist probably thought – “Why not green?” And we couldn’t agree more. It appears that green suits mermaids perfectly. There are no boundaries and rules when it comes to expressing your drawing ideas and it results in fascinating artwork.

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Image credits: andivart

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Mermaids have fascinated mankind for as long as we can remember. The very first myths about merfolk originated around 1000 BC: Ancient Syrians had a goddess who turned into a fish when she jumped into a lake. However, only her bottom half turned into a fish because she was so beautiful.

The legendary Christopher Columbus said he saw mermaids near Haiti in 1493. He added that, in his opinion, they were “not as pretty” as widely reported, and looked a lot like men. While Captain John Smith claimed he spotted a green-haired mermaid in 1614 near Newfoundland. The captain fell in love with her at first sight. That is until he realized she was part fish. Scientists believe that what sailors take to be mermaids are actually manatees and dugongs. But some of us still believe real mermaids are still out there.


The concept artist and cartoonist Ivanov created this little story idea for the #MerMay challenge, a month-long celebration of creativity, community, and mermaids, obviously. Artists from all over the world create beautiful drawings inspired by one of the most charming characters. A month full of mermaids? Sounds too good to be true. People were instantly so impressed with Ivanov’s beautiful story, and they demanded it to be turned into an animated movie. So behold, Disney, we are ready for a new green princess of the sea!

Would you like to see “May, the Mermaid of Lily Lake” on the big screen?