According to their 2017 financial report, The Salvation Army–USA received over $2 billion from direct public support that year. Heather Snow, a homeless woman who had been living in one of their facilities, however, said nobody should donate a single penny to them ever again. She shared an emotional twitter rant about the ‘abusive’ experience she and other women were having in one of Salvation Army’s centers in Portland, saying the sole purpose of the organization is to make a profit (in 2017, it reported a surplus of $622M). The thread ignited a discussion where others responded that one rotten apple doesn’t mean the entire tree is bad. Scroll down to read the debate and leave your opinion in the comments!


She also posted this picture of locks on the fridges

Salvation Army responded to her thread

Image credits: SalvationArmyUS


Image credits: TehRedCoat

The 30-day exclusion Heather has received for “disrespecting” the staff and Salvation Army programs

Some people said they’ve experienced something similar

While others defended the organization