British actress Jameela Jamil once known mainly for her role on the TV series The Good Place, has made a name for herself on social media platforms for her unapologetic messages on feminism and the entertainment industry. Jamil has made waves online again recently for calling out Georgia’s move to ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat has been detected and sharing her own abortion story in the process.

The actress and body positivity activist called the bill “inhumane” and “blatantly demonstrative of a hatred of women” in a series of tweets. Jamil went on to reveal that she herself had had an abortion at a young and said: “it was the best decision” she ever made. As with her other candid statements she has made before the response to her tweets were mixed.

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Actress Jameela Jamil caused a stir on the internet after she slammed Georgia’s new ‘heartbeat’ abortion  law  and opened up about her own personal abortion story

Image credits: Alexandra Glen

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed legislation this week that banned abortions once a fetus has a detectable heartbeat, which generally occurs during six weeks of pregnancy. It includes a penalty for those who perform abortions of up to 10 years in prison. It doesn’t explicitly exempt women who perform their own abortions with drugs, so there’s speculation about whether they would also be subject to criminal charges. It has been suggested that it could even lead to murder charges for women who have abortions, but experts say it’s far from clear.


Image credits: jameelajamil

She pointed out the issue of rape and how she believed forcing women to carry the baby of their rapist demonstrated “hatred of women.” According to the GPB women would still be able to receive an abortion under the new law if the pregnancy is believed to be “medically futile,” the woman’s life is at risk or if a police report has been filed related to rape or incest.

After criticizing the bill she revealed that she herself had had an abortion at a young age

Image credits: jameelajamil

‘The Good Place’ actress said that she had gotten pregnant young and that her decision to terminate her pregnancy was “the best decision” she ever made. Jamil explained that she had not been ready for a baby emotionally, psychologically or financially and brought up that many children end up in foster homes as a result of mothers in unfit situations. According to Children’s Rights, on any given day, there are nearly 443,000 children in foster care in the United States.


Image credits: jameelajamil

She ended her thread by stating that she did not intend to make and “diss” towards foster homes but instead felt that because of the bill Georgia could become “inundated with children who are unwanted.” Jamil is not the first celebrity to share their abortion story. Some other notable names who have spoken out about the controversial topic include Busy Philipps, Rose, McGowan, Nicki Minaj, and Naya Rivera.

Some women agreed with actress and even shared their own abortion experiences

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Throughout the thread women on both sides of the argument were not afraid to voice their opinion of the actress’s statement and on abortion

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