It was a weird day, people were extra nice at work, Trump out of nowhere actually did something reasonable by calling out the NRA, Walmart and Dicks surrendered revenue by putting restrictions on gun sales….something was going on in the air and I was feeling lucky. So, I posted on Facebook and then realized my husband had my car so instead of driving, I walked to the closest place that sells Lottery Tickets. 711. By the way, as I was buying them and bought a bottle of water to go with it, the guy stocking the drinks gave me another bottle for free! I never get this lucky! So I did some research on which tickets had the most unclaimed prizes and I bought a $30 ticket! I walked home, put on a Lucky playlist on Spotify and got to scratching. I was completely expecting to with nothing but I bought several tickets and as I was scratching, I kept winning! I am not a gambler but I do trust my gut when I feel something.

Always trust your instincts! Virginia is for lovers…and winners ;-)

My post on facebook

30 minutes later, I scratched this!

The next day I went to the lottery office and they cut me a check for my winnings!