I have been following the movement of flat earth and anti vaccine for a while. I enjoy laughing at the sheer stupidity of their logic. I chat with friends who also are interested in this and find ways to debunk their claims.

One day I found out about the anti 5G movement. The man who is mentioned is Scimandan, a youtuber who i follow. I have learnt a lot about how the earth work from his channel and how flat earthers try to trap you. He made a video on the 5G conspiracy.

So I just replied to the following post. It escalated to a long chain of him hitting me with illogical blabbering with no evidence and me explaining to him what really happens. I got firsthand experience on why you don’t debate with a wall. I soon understood that some people just want to live a fantasy hoping to be part of something big.

I know I am not perfect in debating but I tried my best to stand for the truth. If you have any suggestions or criticism, I would love to hear what you think?

But my experience from this interaction helped me stop someone from becoming part of the anti 5G movement. Soon I would watch a video on YouTube about the thought process of a conspiracy theorist, where a big event that changes the course of the world must require a big reason to happen. Also most conspiracy documentaries are mostly misquoted interviews, use stock footage and have no trusted sources to back them up.