There are always rumors that go around all schools. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just hilarious. What was the worst rumor that went around your school?


A friend (Linda) started telling people that our friend(Julie)'s neighbor got her knocked up. So we started telling people that she got pregnant by her enemy (Toad) and two vice principles (one is a woman). Linda is now writing a book called "A Series Of Unfortunate Pregnancies" about her children by a rubber duck, a watermelon, a stuffed parrot, and more.
It was a good day.


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uhh this is actually going around right now in my school... a girl f***ed this other dude and now she is prego... (ya ik this is gonna deleted but idc)


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trtummons avatar
that one girl who cant shut up
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Are you in High SChool bc in my school a 8th grader IS prego and two 7th graders did the nasty together.

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This definitely wasn't the worst but once a rumour went round that someone found a finger in their casserole. Lets just say I was a strict vegetarian after that...


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This isn't really a rumor but I think it counts. In elementary school every single kid in my school thought my mom was actually my older sister picking me up from school. it's not that surprising since she looked like she was 17 (she was older than that when it happened trust me) but it was still funny when my mom would bump into kids from my class and they would say "oh your (my name)s older sister!".


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There were rumors about a few girls that they were very sexually active and frivolous. I believe that was very damaging to their reputation, self-worth and mental health. And now when I look back, I don't even think it was even partly true.


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Uhm, this didn't happen to me, but my cousin. She once told me her friend found a used condom in one of the trashcans in her school. It was really weird. And gross.


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there was a rumor that somebody pooped in the urinal, and i think it was true because it stinked


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One of my friends spread a rumor that I was a trap... I was exceptionally amused by this cause it was just likely barely likely enough to be true


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Beginning of the school year me and my new friend Alan were always together in the hall talking smirking at each other across the classrooms him teasing me and yes he is hot AF. But so My BFF texts me and says hey Trinity there's this rumor going around you and Alan are dating and you want to f**k him. We are in 6th grade and all i could say was wow that's disgusting. But turns out she wasn't joking and all the 6th grade believed it


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