This may seem a bit philosophical and in a way it is, but it is also a life purpose coach seeking some insight on the generalized understanding of purpose or the lack of it in general. If that makes sense. And if it doesn't...well, the best things in life often don't - and that includes life itself.


the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest, do what you wanna do, experience and discover new things, meet different people and make friends, find hobbies and just go with the flow and ultimately feeling fulfilled at the end of it

it is not just merely to do one thing. there is no single meaning to life


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jadenyoder avatar
Jaden Yoder
Community Member
4 weeks ago

Very well put. Couldn't be said better


The meaning of life: To be happy
Not the meaning of life: To be rich and powerful.


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Why are we here, what is life all about?
Is God really real, or is there some doubt?
Well tonight we′re going to sort it all out
For tonight it's The Meaning of Life

What′s the point of all these hoax?
Is it the chicken and the egg time, are we just yolks?
Or perhaps, we're just one of God's little jokes
Well ça c′est Le Meaning of Life...


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I'm not convinced that there is any meaning to life. It sounds odd but I don't mean this in a negative whats-the-point-in-anything way. I mean that we get one shot at this and then its over at some undefined time in the future, so why not try to enjoy it? Life is a team sport. Help others, be kind when you can. Fail. Learn. Stay hydrated. Nap. Or don't. It's up to you.
What's not the meaning of life? Acquiring stuff over experience. We can't take any of it with us but experiences will make life much richer than things can.


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See Also on Bored Panda

The meaning of life is Dino nuggets
The meaning of life is not philosophical


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