I don't know just tell me a random thing like did you stub your toe at 1:42 in the morning and had to try not to scream? Tell me about it!

It can be about yourself, someone you know, a celebrity, or just a totally random thing, I don't care!


I just got a gf on accident. Im still trying to figure what I did



Pluto and Russia are the same size



Yes I did stub my toe at 1:42 in the morning by the way. I had to be quiet because my brothers had school and my dad had work in the morning.


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I have to go to school in person when it starts and I'm really nervous because I'm like 90% sure one of my friends likes me and I do not want him asking me out since I like someone else and only see him as a friend.


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My cousin covered my face entirely with concealer yesterday. Fun times. I looked like Micheal Jackson.


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See Also on Bored Panda