So, when I was in 7th grade, I had a HUGE crush on Lucas (15m) and my closest friend since the FREAKING 2nd GRADE, Amy (14f), knew that I liked him since 7th grade and Lucas liked me too, but neither one us of dated that young. We liked each other all through high school, but then a several years later in our junior year, I noticed he started flirting with Amy, while I still liked him. Amy, the “loyal best friend” couldn’t help but give him the attention he wanted. Soon, it got out that he wanted to go with her, but he is shy so he didn’t have the guts to ask her out. I was CRUSHED!! BUT then, a week later, Amy started giving me the silent treatment OUT OF NOWHERE, and then after I was begging Amy to tell me why she was so angry with me, she wrote me a note explaining everything she HATED about me. Part of the note was that she feels like I am “in the way of Lucas and her.” I still have it and will try and upload it, but anyways, after about two months, she acts like our little issue NEVER happened! THEN, after a couple weeks we still hadn’t spoken about our “arguement” and she drops yet another bomb on me. Joe (17m) Lucas’s best friend starts calling Amy by Lucas’s name as a joke, so she knew the secret was gonna get out. What secret? They text A LOT and were going to go to the Homecoming dance together but he was out of town which, btw, she had been keeping from me. BUT WAIT! There’s more. She has know idea that I am hurt by this, in fact, I study theater and plan to major in the theatric arts so I easily fooled her into thinking that I was happy for her and even though I am over Lucas (since the letter) I was still hurt. Actually, everytime I see her I act all bubbly and excited for her when in reality, I have DAGGERS in my stomach. AND it gets worse. I even asked her if she would go out with him. Her answer: “Probably, but since a lot of my friends have liked him in the past, I might feel pretty bad about it.” Then we were hanging after school at Starbucks and the words “I would totally, like, marry Lucas tomorrow.” came out of her mouth. The truth is, honestly, she is a cheerleader and gorgeous so he most likely feels the same way, you know, classic football player, cheerleader love story, but I feel really upset about it and she doesn’t know. I don’t want ANYONE to feel the I felt after she wrote me that note and so i am VERY hesitant to tell her how I feel. Idk what to do! All she does is talk about him. Also, ever since she told me about the whole Homecoming story she wants to be best friends again, so like now you want me back? Come on. So like, AITA for being pissed off about this and wanting her to shut her trap about it? I honestly need help. Also, if you’re confused by anything I said, please leave a comment and I will clarify.

Needed a pic lol