Company Creates Satirical T-Shirts That Intentionally Portray Men The Way Society Portrays Women (11 Pics)
Imagine that the world as we know it was turned on its head, gender roles, and social norms were flipped, and men got to see life through the eyes of a woman’s experience. In this world, women are historically the dominant sex, taking lead roles in science, art, and exploration, while men are largely tasked with domestic duties, looking after the house and raising children.
Image credits: man who has it all
Facebook (and Twitter) account ‘Man Who Has It All’ regularly does this, cleverly revealing the ridiculousness of the discourse around gender bias by reversing the sexes. “Just a little reminder to smile, boys! Because women like to see positive men. A smile costs nothing.”
Patronizing, isn’t it? These are the kinds of remarks that women are subjected to all the time, so by holding up a mirror to our biased gender norms in this way, the page reveals our outdated attitudes.
Image credits: man who has it all
Image credits: man who has it all
Now with almost 400k followers on Facebook, the popular page describes itself as “a satirical page that exposes the absurdity of the patriarchy by turning the tables,” and “highlights the sexism, stereotypes, and bias women experience every day by imagining a world where men are treated in the same way society treats women.”
Image credits: man who has it all
Image credits: man who has it all
The brains behind the parody account and the T-shirt slogans is an anonymous “working dad” who has taken matters beyond social media to include these funny T-shirts, as well as a Book called ‘From Frazzled to Fabulous: How to Juggle a Successful Career, Fatherhood, ‘Me-Time’ and Looking Good.’
Image credits: man who has it all
Australian business owner Tania is a big fan of Man Who Has It All, finding many of the posts perfectly relatable to the situations she finds herself in daily. Having built up her own business from scratch, she, unfortunately, receives the odd condescending comment, and not just from men. “It’s something that really irritates me,” she told Bored Panda. “In the beginning, I got comments like ‘shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?’ from men, and often similar things from women too. The humor and insights of the ‘gender flip’ jokes seem to put my thoughts into words; it clearly shows what kind of non-existent gender equality many of us have to deal with all the time.”
ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: man who has it all
Erica, from Sweden, also appreciates the ‘parallel universe’ that the page creates, and the opportunity to play along as a ‘man’ in the comments. “The comments I write are all made up of course,” she told us. But it’s still the way many men view women. I follow the page because I think it’s great at revealing hidden patterns in society.”
Image credits: man who has it all
“I do think that we are lucky in Sweden though, our society is more about equal rights than most others and I think that in general, Swedish men are well educated in issues of gender equality. It’s partly down to the history of our country. For a woman, being a ‘housewife’ is not really a part of our culture. For a long time now, most of us have worked for our own living, so we are traditionally much less ‘dependent’ on men.”
Image credits: man who has it all
“I do relate to many of the comments. I’m not much for makeup and stuff like that! However, I would never go outside in a pair of shorts without shaved legs. In that matter, when it comes to looks, I think Swedish women don’t differ that much. We still have a society that tells us we have to look good.”
Image credits: man who has it all
What does gender equality mean to you? Are we as a society making progress, or is there still much to be done? Scroll down below to see how the ‘Man Who Has It All’ gets his point across, and let us know what you think in the comments!
Image credits: man who has it all
Here are some examples of the man who has it all at work
Image credits: manwhohasitall
Image credits: manwhohasitall
Image credits: manwhohasitall
Image credits: manwhohasitall
Image credits: manwhohasitall
His fans love the Tshirts especially
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
In my language most words have a masculine and a feminine variant, so i never understood why using the feminine variant was suddenly offensive but now it clicked. In english speaking countries they take neutral forms and add woman to it, thats sexist as hell. Thanks a lot english :/
THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY DONE IN ENGLISH. It's only done by people who think "Wow, it's weird that a woman is doing what I think is a 'man's job' ", it's not how English is meant to work grammatically. There is no masculine / feminine variant of "scientist" or "architect" or ANY of these words - they're gender-neutral. It's just that barring poet and author a lot of (usually "baby boomers"-era) people think of the jobs as "something men do".
Load More Replies...Well obviously your "gender-neutral English" just made up the problem itself that is not present in languages having both unique forms. Nobody needs a pallete with all colors grey to be perfectly neutral for all when you can have completely unique and fitting colors for everybody.
I resent the usually baby boomers look around. I am just relocated to now fit into the baby boomers (keep changing age group)all of the women I know have worked since they were old enough and paved the way in "something men do" for women so lay off the baby boomer #*$t.
Well, in English a lot of _objects_ are female by default. So yes, it is done but in a much more subtle and way too offinsive way. 'E.g. A boat is an IT, not a SHE. If a boat is a she, your mother is a boat. (just for the contrast, I don' mean it for real). Every language is sexist that has female and male "version" for the same statement, and where objects and animals are mentioned as 'she' or 'he' (even when we don't know the sex of the animal, or the name of the boat), instead of IT.
Master Markus, this is a problem that came up in English speaking countries. Before American's Political Correctness, I've never encountered in any other country this type of issue. Giovanni is actually right. I give people too bored here, to think about Asiatic languages (Chinese, Japanese) where they have no plural, no different forms of past or future. if you say one butterfly or 10 butterflies, actually you'll say 10 butterfly as well in those languages. And when the number is out of the sentence, shouldn't the butterflies get angry for not being counted (same goes with everything). This is a made-up issue invented by English speakers. in most latin, slavic languages, gender is applied to all nouns. We have policeman and policewoman, trashman and trashwoman (sure not really used like that, but as a declination of the word). If English speakers whom get sexists over the language have nothing better to do, I suggest they start using policewoman and policeman, trasman and trashwoman.
they are/where only thought of as 'something men do' because for an extremely long period of time (and even now to be honest) these jobs mostly consist of men statistically. Its not that the jobs are 'sexist' or anything like that, its just that men and women tend to have differences in what they want to do with their lives. Its the same reasoning behind why trash collectors are considered 'trashmen', because the job consists mostly of men. It isnt sexist, its descriptive.
In my language as well, but it usually IS used in a very condescending tone...
Yeah, I love how people who speak English talk like males are the norm and females are some weird mutation, even though it's biologically the other way around.
In some cases it's a situation of the term going back to latin and people screwing it up. A good example of this is the term Actor. Which translates (basically) into a man who acts. What were women called? Actrix. The trix suffix often is turned into tress due to the evolution of the language. But many professions inherently use the masculine to describe them and then complain when it's pointed out.
People these days... That's not sexist, that's how the language works, how it has GROWN over centuries. Up until recently, everyone couldn't care less, but since a couple years, it's sexist. I don't get it. Female typing this, by the way.
What are you even talking about? That is not how the English language works. Words like "scientist" and "architect" and "physicist" are gender neutral. Sexist people ADD the word female to them in order to emphasize that the person is female, likely to point out how weird or anomalous they think it is. This is hard to understand? Do they say "Hey is that female nurse?" No, they say "Here is that male nurse" because the default is that nurses are women. The word nurse is gender neutral in English. Adding a gender as an opinion on who should hold the job is sexist. This is a simple idea.
I think its important to realize that the reason they do this is to call attention to breaking into a sector that is heavily dominated by a certain gender. Yes they do say this for some things to emphasize that its a woman but they also do it to men too. I dont think you will find a single man that gives 2 shits if they refer to them as a male nurse or a male Elementary teacher. My wife works in a profession that is overwhelmingly male and when someone makes the distinction that she is in fact a female, she said it gives her a boost in confidence because they realize that she can't be pushed around and she worked harder than normal to get to where she is. If the roles were reversed like they are in this post, you wont find many men that care. Stop getting bent out of shape and just be the best version of you.
The thing is, she shouldn't have HAD to work "harder than normal" to get into her line of work. If the same type of competence the men in the field have wasn't enough, that's sexism. If she needs to worry about being pushed around because she's female - well, that's sexist too. Just because we women sometimes accept that these things are as they are doesn't mean they aren't discriminatory. In short, if a woman is qualified for a position, she should have exactly as much chance as any man to be hired for it. If she is hired and competent, she should be treated with exactly as much respect as the men in her field. The fact that this isn't true for all positions everywhere is sexist.
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And yet, somehow, having male and female variant words isn't sexist? That's sone twisted logic. In English those "sexist terms" I.E. male, female;e, etc.) are adjectives... simple descriptors. Remove the adjective, the "sexism" disappears. In those other languages, unless they have neutral words, that can't happen.
John Ashley. No it is not sexsit to have male and female variant of words. I think it is mean that language accepts female position of that job. And the communication is easier, you do not have to explain if you speak about man or woman. Also in my language you know if the person is a male or a female only by the name and there are no misunderstandings like in American movies . Every thing in my laguage is he, she or it. It is not sexist it is just as it is.
In my language, normally you would want to say "medic" if you wanted to be gender-neutral. "Doctor" is, for some antiquated reason, perceived as a masculine word. So when someone comes and says "the female doctor", you bet it's a +50 male who cannot fathom a woman succeeding in such an important position.
I'm Italian not spanish. Actually most group names related to humans like family, team and even brotherhood are feminine. It is true that in a group of males the spare female is omitted but if the majority is female we use the plural feminine and than list the odd male(s) on the side. It worked like you say once but nobody does that anymore, it's confusing.
So you think your language is c**p? just because you do not like it? in the end, language follows rules. If you walk through a field and find a fence, you can tear it down, because you think its in your way and its false to be there, you do not see any apparent reason why its there. Or you can accept the fence beeing there, and let it stand. Then you find out what its about. And then you can decide if its there for good or if you should adjust the rule and take it down, when you come to see that its not needed anymore. In case of your language concern: there is no need to change a rule that works just fine, just because a minority (and I am not talking about women, women are in fact a majority, slightly more women than men on earth, like 55 to 45 %) that dislikes it for some hidden agenda, is no reason to change this rule.
The satirical "joke" dies very quickly, nothing new is done on each t-shirt. Pretty c**p joke, just done to make money.
Who buys a shirt that just says their profession on it anyway?
Load More Replies...I do as a cable installer, subcontracting. Because alot of customers dont belive we work for the main company
A lot of people do. Either for stating the obvious, or to lie about their identity (way to create a first impression). Or because it is a useful (not great, still, working) conversation starter.
Maybe I should get one that says "Female Church Lady." (just trying to be funny)
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Church is a joke so it might work.
Absolutely! Male ____ (fill in the blank). I thought there were going to be 11 different ideas. Reading the comments could help....fitted, higher prices, CUTE drawings, script, trope colors, you know...Different.
If you really don't get it, go read the coverage of the black hole image and count how many times each story indicates the lead scientist is female. Then find yourself an article about Michael Mann's discovery of the "hockey stick" and see if they bother to point out he's a dude. I mean, yay! Women are finally a real force in science! But at the same time, sheesh!
Not to mention many of the articles included her age in the headline. How many article about male scientists include their age? "MIT Scientist Bob Smith, 32, discovers yada yada yada..."
Load More Replies...Nora, I disagree with 'weak males tried to hold them back'. I agree that they should get more invoolved and I am happy that they do! However, I dislike when people try to portray the male sex as bad, greedy, weak, or lustful pigs.
Volker H, there were several women on that black hole team. The one whose photo went vital wrote the algorithm that filtered out the “everything else” data. Without that partake algorithm, it wouldn’t have been possible. The person who took the photo wrote one of the other algorithms, without which the project also wouldn’t have been possible. But, that man isn’t in danger of being overlooked, that woman was. The paper they published, the “main” person, has their name listed first, all contributing team members names get listed after. Hers is first, because the team knows who did what.
Clearly you have not worked in science before because I have a stron argument against yours. You actually make a compliment to your main argument against it. Her age. If it was a man, 32, then it would be there as well. Why? Because its a great accomplishment and more than that a great accomplishment of a young scientist, in this case a women. 32 is damn young to reach something like thsi. But all you see is the bad men, thanks for that. First check the facts (statistics), then make conclusions and then when you want to share that, keep your prejudice genderrasist emotions out of it Edited: got rid of that typo
Do read the coverage but do so while understanding the context, there are a lot of sexist attitudes in certain fields, science being one of them. The repeated mentions of the lead scientist being female is done to try and fight against these attitudes, as the next time an Alt-right type asks "what have women contributed to science?" you have a well known modern example that can immediately shut this person down. It's the same reason such a big deal was made of Obama being black and Ilhan Omar being Muslim, in time it hopefully will not being something that people feel the need to mention but we are where we are at the moment.
Because there's been more men scientists than women. Deal with it sweetheart!
Yes, it has to point out that the scientist is female because English doesn't have a unique word for female professions just like most other languages do. So they have to do it using two words. Anyone being offended by this needs to visit psychiatrist as they have serious mental problems obviously.
Yes, it is miserable. I saw scientists invited to do a 5-minute news bit on the topic, and they were ALL male!!! and old!!! like she needs a father to be presentable! so offensive. That's not respect, that's paternal...!
You are not very bright, are you? Articles expressly indicating scientists' gender is a Feminist propaganda campaign in the first place, supposed to "empower" women.
Because things that are novel get more coverage than things that aren't. A female armed robber would get way more coverage just for her sex. But go ahead and feign outrage and indignation like a spiteful little girl.
@NorAlMeida, good expample about what BlahBlah is talking about: "women are not THAT GREAT a force in science, really." And he is right. any emotions aside, check the statistics, moste technical, mechaniocal fields are dominated by men, mdeicine, design and aarchitecture are dominated by women. So where is the problem, you change his words so it fits in your propaganda, you make it to: "Women aren't that great in science?" He did not say that, thats what you read and before you read it correctly your rant started, blocked by personal (i guess emotional) prejudice. Evidence: weak males. Its 2019, not 1919 anymore, get over it and accept statistics even if you do not like them. Truth is more important than feelings. Example for that? Men are physically stronger than women, women are better with people skills. No sexism, just stats. And if you doubt that, I recommend you study what a bell-shaped curve is and how the extremes are different in women and men.
I guess we should just assume that women just don't like science all that much, and not think there might be any other cause, like millennia of sexism that pushed them away from those fields, in direct and indirect way, in obvious and subtle ways. There's no sexism since it's just stat...don't bother finding out what's behind any of those stats.
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It doesn't say the lead scientits is female, because women don't follow science careers. That's why 95% of STEM is men, and it's not going to change.
Why do you think it isn't going to change, when it's already changing?
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But isn't that because of this propaganda? If they didn't write it was a female, they would get sued, etc.? Plus, well... women are not THAT GREAT a force in the science, really. Maybe this is why they added "female..."?
@‘BlahBlah’— Women aren’t that great in science? More like for centuries, weak males tried to hold them back, to the point of even when women did get into science, they were treated in a disrespectful manner, and much of their achievements was stolen by the males around them. Google, “Underpaid women ‘computers’ mapped the universe in the 19th century” ; also google “List of female scientists before the 20th century” And google “List of female scientists in the 20th century”. Search also about the fact that the first programmers were women. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you; you don’t want to be disrespected, so likewise treat others (females or males) with respect. And you were being quite disrespectful when you assumed that women aren’t great in science. Don’t let your ignorance let you disrespect an entire gender; that’s really low, and your parents ought to be ashamed of you for not raising you right. And @Max Harkins: I say ‘weak males’ to differentiate between them (the sexist males— and they are weak for trying to belittle women to hold them back— it isn’t a mark of strength to belittle others, and weak males do try to belittle women to hold them back and put them down) and actual men (who aren’t sexist lowlifes), because I know that [not] all males are lowlifes.
In my language most words have a masculine and a feminine variant, so i never understood why using the feminine variant was suddenly offensive but now it clicked. In english speaking countries they take neutral forms and add woman to it, thats sexist as hell. Thanks a lot english :/
THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY DONE IN ENGLISH. It's only done by people who think "Wow, it's weird that a woman is doing what I think is a 'man's job' ", it's not how English is meant to work grammatically. There is no masculine / feminine variant of "scientist" or "architect" or ANY of these words - they're gender-neutral. It's just that barring poet and author a lot of (usually "baby boomers"-era) people think of the jobs as "something men do".
Load More Replies...Well obviously your "gender-neutral English" just made up the problem itself that is not present in languages having both unique forms. Nobody needs a pallete with all colors grey to be perfectly neutral for all when you can have completely unique and fitting colors for everybody.
I resent the usually baby boomers look around. I am just relocated to now fit into the baby boomers (keep changing age group)all of the women I know have worked since they were old enough and paved the way in "something men do" for women so lay off the baby boomer #*$t.
Well, in English a lot of _objects_ are female by default. So yes, it is done but in a much more subtle and way too offinsive way. 'E.g. A boat is an IT, not a SHE. If a boat is a she, your mother is a boat. (just for the contrast, I don' mean it for real). Every language is sexist that has female and male "version" for the same statement, and where objects and animals are mentioned as 'she' or 'he' (even when we don't know the sex of the animal, or the name of the boat), instead of IT.
Master Markus, this is a problem that came up in English speaking countries. Before American's Political Correctness, I've never encountered in any other country this type of issue. Giovanni is actually right. I give people too bored here, to think about Asiatic languages (Chinese, Japanese) where they have no plural, no different forms of past or future. if you say one butterfly or 10 butterflies, actually you'll say 10 butterfly as well in those languages. And when the number is out of the sentence, shouldn't the butterflies get angry for not being counted (same goes with everything). This is a made-up issue invented by English speakers. in most latin, slavic languages, gender is applied to all nouns. We have policeman and policewoman, trashman and trashwoman (sure not really used like that, but as a declination of the word). If English speakers whom get sexists over the language have nothing better to do, I suggest they start using policewoman and policeman, trasman and trashwoman.
they are/where only thought of as 'something men do' because for an extremely long period of time (and even now to be honest) these jobs mostly consist of men statistically. Its not that the jobs are 'sexist' or anything like that, its just that men and women tend to have differences in what they want to do with their lives. Its the same reasoning behind why trash collectors are considered 'trashmen', because the job consists mostly of men. It isnt sexist, its descriptive.
In my language as well, but it usually IS used in a very condescending tone...
Yeah, I love how people who speak English talk like males are the norm and females are some weird mutation, even though it's biologically the other way around.
In some cases it's a situation of the term going back to latin and people screwing it up. A good example of this is the term Actor. Which translates (basically) into a man who acts. What were women called? Actrix. The trix suffix often is turned into tress due to the evolution of the language. But many professions inherently use the masculine to describe them and then complain when it's pointed out.
People these days... That's not sexist, that's how the language works, how it has GROWN over centuries. Up until recently, everyone couldn't care less, but since a couple years, it's sexist. I don't get it. Female typing this, by the way.
What are you even talking about? That is not how the English language works. Words like "scientist" and "architect" and "physicist" are gender neutral. Sexist people ADD the word female to them in order to emphasize that the person is female, likely to point out how weird or anomalous they think it is. This is hard to understand? Do they say "Hey is that female nurse?" No, they say "Here is that male nurse" because the default is that nurses are women. The word nurse is gender neutral in English. Adding a gender as an opinion on who should hold the job is sexist. This is a simple idea.
I think its important to realize that the reason they do this is to call attention to breaking into a sector that is heavily dominated by a certain gender. Yes they do say this for some things to emphasize that its a woman but they also do it to men too. I dont think you will find a single man that gives 2 shits if they refer to them as a male nurse or a male Elementary teacher. My wife works in a profession that is overwhelmingly male and when someone makes the distinction that she is in fact a female, she said it gives her a boost in confidence because they realize that she can't be pushed around and she worked harder than normal to get to where she is. If the roles were reversed like they are in this post, you wont find many men that care. Stop getting bent out of shape and just be the best version of you.
The thing is, she shouldn't have HAD to work "harder than normal" to get into her line of work. If the same type of competence the men in the field have wasn't enough, that's sexism. If she needs to worry about being pushed around because she's female - well, that's sexist too. Just because we women sometimes accept that these things are as they are doesn't mean they aren't discriminatory. In short, if a woman is qualified for a position, she should have exactly as much chance as any man to be hired for it. If she is hired and competent, she should be treated with exactly as much respect as the men in her field. The fact that this isn't true for all positions everywhere is sexist.
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And yet, somehow, having male and female variant words isn't sexist? That's sone twisted logic. In English those "sexist terms" I.E. male, female;e, etc.) are adjectives... simple descriptors. Remove the adjective, the "sexism" disappears. In those other languages, unless they have neutral words, that can't happen.
John Ashley. No it is not sexsit to have male and female variant of words. I think it is mean that language accepts female position of that job. And the communication is easier, you do not have to explain if you speak about man or woman. Also in my language you know if the person is a male or a female only by the name and there are no misunderstandings like in American movies . Every thing in my laguage is he, she or it. It is not sexist it is just as it is.
In my language, normally you would want to say "medic" if you wanted to be gender-neutral. "Doctor" is, for some antiquated reason, perceived as a masculine word. So when someone comes and says "the female doctor", you bet it's a +50 male who cannot fathom a woman succeeding in such an important position.
I'm Italian not spanish. Actually most group names related to humans like family, team and even brotherhood are feminine. It is true that in a group of males the spare female is omitted but if the majority is female we use the plural feminine and than list the odd male(s) on the side. It worked like you say once but nobody does that anymore, it's confusing.
So you think your language is c**p? just because you do not like it? in the end, language follows rules. If you walk through a field and find a fence, you can tear it down, because you think its in your way and its false to be there, you do not see any apparent reason why its there. Or you can accept the fence beeing there, and let it stand. Then you find out what its about. And then you can decide if its there for good or if you should adjust the rule and take it down, when you come to see that its not needed anymore. In case of your language concern: there is no need to change a rule that works just fine, just because a minority (and I am not talking about women, women are in fact a majority, slightly more women than men on earth, like 55 to 45 %) that dislikes it for some hidden agenda, is no reason to change this rule.
The satirical "joke" dies very quickly, nothing new is done on each t-shirt. Pretty c**p joke, just done to make money.
Who buys a shirt that just says their profession on it anyway?
Load More Replies...I do as a cable installer, subcontracting. Because alot of customers dont belive we work for the main company
A lot of people do. Either for stating the obvious, or to lie about their identity (way to create a first impression). Or because it is a useful (not great, still, working) conversation starter.
Maybe I should get one that says "Female Church Lady." (just trying to be funny)
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Church is a joke so it might work.
Absolutely! Male ____ (fill in the blank). I thought there were going to be 11 different ideas. Reading the comments could help....fitted, higher prices, CUTE drawings, script, trope colors, you know...Different.
If you really don't get it, go read the coverage of the black hole image and count how many times each story indicates the lead scientist is female. Then find yourself an article about Michael Mann's discovery of the "hockey stick" and see if they bother to point out he's a dude. I mean, yay! Women are finally a real force in science! But at the same time, sheesh!
Not to mention many of the articles included her age in the headline. How many article about male scientists include their age? "MIT Scientist Bob Smith, 32, discovers yada yada yada..."
Load More Replies...Nora, I disagree with 'weak males tried to hold them back'. I agree that they should get more invoolved and I am happy that they do! However, I dislike when people try to portray the male sex as bad, greedy, weak, or lustful pigs.
Volker H, there were several women on that black hole team. The one whose photo went vital wrote the algorithm that filtered out the “everything else” data. Without that partake algorithm, it wouldn’t have been possible. The person who took the photo wrote one of the other algorithms, without which the project also wouldn’t have been possible. But, that man isn’t in danger of being overlooked, that woman was. The paper they published, the “main” person, has their name listed first, all contributing team members names get listed after. Hers is first, because the team knows who did what.
Clearly you have not worked in science before because I have a stron argument against yours. You actually make a compliment to your main argument against it. Her age. If it was a man, 32, then it would be there as well. Why? Because its a great accomplishment and more than that a great accomplishment of a young scientist, in this case a women. 32 is damn young to reach something like thsi. But all you see is the bad men, thanks for that. First check the facts (statistics), then make conclusions and then when you want to share that, keep your prejudice genderrasist emotions out of it Edited: got rid of that typo
Do read the coverage but do so while understanding the context, there are a lot of sexist attitudes in certain fields, science being one of them. The repeated mentions of the lead scientist being female is done to try and fight against these attitudes, as the next time an Alt-right type asks "what have women contributed to science?" you have a well known modern example that can immediately shut this person down. It's the same reason such a big deal was made of Obama being black and Ilhan Omar being Muslim, in time it hopefully will not being something that people feel the need to mention but we are where we are at the moment.
Because there's been more men scientists than women. Deal with it sweetheart!
Yes, it has to point out that the scientist is female because English doesn't have a unique word for female professions just like most other languages do. So they have to do it using two words. Anyone being offended by this needs to visit psychiatrist as they have serious mental problems obviously.
Yes, it is miserable. I saw scientists invited to do a 5-minute news bit on the topic, and they were ALL male!!! and old!!! like she needs a father to be presentable! so offensive. That's not respect, that's paternal...!
You are not very bright, are you? Articles expressly indicating scientists' gender is a Feminist propaganda campaign in the first place, supposed to "empower" women.
Because things that are novel get more coverage than things that aren't. A female armed robber would get way more coverage just for her sex. But go ahead and feign outrage and indignation like a spiteful little girl.
@NorAlMeida, good expample about what BlahBlah is talking about: "women are not THAT GREAT a force in science, really." And he is right. any emotions aside, check the statistics, moste technical, mechaniocal fields are dominated by men, mdeicine, design and aarchitecture are dominated by women. So where is the problem, you change his words so it fits in your propaganda, you make it to: "Women aren't that great in science?" He did not say that, thats what you read and before you read it correctly your rant started, blocked by personal (i guess emotional) prejudice. Evidence: weak males. Its 2019, not 1919 anymore, get over it and accept statistics even if you do not like them. Truth is more important than feelings. Example for that? Men are physically stronger than women, women are better with people skills. No sexism, just stats. And if you doubt that, I recommend you study what a bell-shaped curve is and how the extremes are different in women and men.
I guess we should just assume that women just don't like science all that much, and not think there might be any other cause, like millennia of sexism that pushed them away from those fields, in direct and indirect way, in obvious and subtle ways. There's no sexism since it's just stat...don't bother finding out what's behind any of those stats.
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It doesn't say the lead scientits is female, because women don't follow science careers. That's why 95% of STEM is men, and it's not going to change.
Why do you think it isn't going to change, when it's already changing?
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But isn't that because of this propaganda? If they didn't write it was a female, they would get sued, etc.? Plus, well... women are not THAT GREAT a force in the science, really. Maybe this is why they added "female..."?
@‘BlahBlah’— Women aren’t that great in science? More like for centuries, weak males tried to hold them back, to the point of even when women did get into science, they were treated in a disrespectful manner, and much of their achievements was stolen by the males around them. Google, “Underpaid women ‘computers’ mapped the universe in the 19th century” ; also google “List of female scientists before the 20th century” And google “List of female scientists in the 20th century”. Search also about the fact that the first programmers were women. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you; you don’t want to be disrespected, so likewise treat others (females or males) with respect. And you were being quite disrespectful when you assumed that women aren’t great in science. Don’t let your ignorance let you disrespect an entire gender; that’s really low, and your parents ought to be ashamed of you for not raising you right. And @Max Harkins: I say ‘weak males’ to differentiate between them (the sexist males— and they are weak for trying to belittle women to hold them back— it isn’t a mark of strength to belittle others, and weak males do try to belittle women to hold them back and put them down) and actual men (who aren’t sexist lowlifes), because I know that [not] all males are lowlifes.