Ever wanted to get your hands on a free car? What if it was an Aston Martin? Haven’t we all. But hey, keep on dreaming, right? Well, not if you’re this guy. Because as you can see below, he just managed to bag a brand new James Bond mobile with one simple funny tweet. Well, sort of.

It all started when a famous artist from Britain, Hector Janse van Rensburg (AKA Shitty Watercolour. Don’t ask), posted a funny tweet of himself hanging out in his bathtub with a bottle of Radox bath gel in the background. “Despite the alluring exploration of the male form combined with a strong brand placement this is not a sponsored tweet,” he wrote. To his surprise, however, Radox sent him a direct message telling him how much they liked his tweet and how they’d like to send him a free pack of Radox goodies. Realizing he was onto a great marketing idea, Hector decided to tweet another picture, this time of himself in the bath with a drawing of an Aston Martin. And guess what? They sent him a free supercar! Albeit a rather smaller one than he was hoping for. Still, not a bad haul from a couple of tweets, right?

More info: Twitter

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British Artist Hector Janse van Rensburg recently tweeted a picture of himself just hanging out in the bath


To his surprise, Radox replied to him

He proudly displayed his new gifts in a follow-up tweet

Realizing he was onto a good idea, he tried his trick a second time

Despite his somewhat ambitious stunt, Aston Martin actually responded and offered him a free car!

It might be a little smaller than he was hoping for, but still, not a bad haul from a couple of simple tweets!