After the long awaited series finale of Game of Thrones aired, fans of one of the highest rated TV shows for the last 10 years were left feeling heartbroken, but not for the reasons you may think. Many viewers and fans were left disappointed over the way many of the characters were handled by the writers at the end of their journeys. One of the main characters, Daenerys Targaryen’s, particularly sad end was the one that left people the most frustrated as many had felt that her descent into madness and subsequent death had developed too quickly and seemingly from out of nowhere.

Many took to social media, releasing tweets upon posts upon videos citing how little the writing in the final few episodes made sense in the bigger picture of the narrative and creating their own versions of how fan favorite Daenerys could have been given a more deserving fate. Of these fans included Wisconsin artist Pugcrumbs.

Pugcrumbs (formerly Pugletto) is not new to the idea of reimagining and changing perspectives with her art. Not long ago she received notable attention for her reimagining of Disney characters as humans with regard to their ethnic backgrounds (see more info below). Now she has released a rough animation of a more fitting end for the well loved Mother of Dragons in which she is revived by her last surviving dragon, stays far from Westeros, rebuilds Old Valyria, and even finds more dragon eggs. Check it out below!

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Game of Thrones Alternate Ending Animatic